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4t-5th September - Wee Jasper - polish n pose - camp out

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I could start a new thread, but thought it just as easy to reprise this one 

The camp out didn’t proceed as at the time there was another event untimely planned that diverted the enthusiasm.

so here  we go again 

Wee Jasper 2020 coronavirus cross border camp out 

A simple idea . Get a bunch of mates , drive to 


good food organised by the hosts , or put a lamb on the spit ( @tk111 @targa george )

Spend 1 or 2 nights have laughs , light a bonfire , take turns reading from  Steve Biddhulps seminal text ‘Raising Men”

drive some good roads.

thinking a weekend in Aug-September 

Duck n Fishes  have accom in the old house and also shearer’s quarters can sleep about 35. Or Just bring a swag.

Thinking it could be combined With a bit of a boot sale.- so bring your wot nots and widgets. 

I’m contacting  the Duck n Fishes cafe for available dates tomorrow  and will post


So here’s the detail 

The available date is Friday 4th September 2020

As Duck n Fishes heavily booked. A second night feasible (Saturday 5th), however Sunday is Father’s Day.

cost for a night is $20 per person at the shearer’s quarters.Can sleep 28

min charge if 16 or less, $360 for the night.

if by miracle more than 28 can bring tents /swags.

firewood is supplied at a cost of $110 for a Ute load.

food is self catering, so if I know numbers in advance can organise a lamb /pig on spit etc. otherwise bring food to cook on fire/bbq

If you plan to come from further away , organise your krew and roads to get there and plan to meet all in Yass,  For a quick coffee chat food shop Etc around 2-3pm  on the 4th 

Late comers and stragglers, make your way there anytime that suits.

The drive into wee jasper from Yass is superlative !!!




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Had been imagining an April date though the Goodradigbee Homestead have not come back with availability. And the month has filled up 

I'm  going to call Friday and make a booking for last weekend of May. 

The quarters can accommodate more than 30. 

Will post a date  on the weekend. 




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