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Rollcage for 911SC (bolt in)


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Thinking about installing a bolt in 4 point rollcage in a 911SC (for the street not for the track).

Looking for one that bolts directly to the front/rear seatbelt holes.

Anyone have any experience with this or now where I can source one from.

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After doing some research online, I think what I am actually after is referred to as a roll bar.

The front bolts to the lower seat belt mounts, the rear bolts to the side rear seat back mounts.

Anyone have one or know of a local supplier.

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Before I made mine I looked at these but the reviews were not great and the cost was huge. Its cheaper to get one made around $400 -$500 unless your handy and want to make your own. Im not full of super skill but it was pretty easy @MFX made one as well we both have videos of how we made them. 

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