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Newly refreshed 901/911 1971  5 Speed Motorsport quality  Gearbox.Was originally built by Mark Poole Motorsport for the Ex John  Nelson group Nc 911s .Refreshed with new bearings and new 3rd gear syncro and slider combo by Michael Harris@ Promotive Engineering here in Brisbane last week..Full set of Albins Gears with ratios of-3.091-1889-1.318-1.040-0.889 and i have a extra 5th with 0.793 ratio as well.Fitted  with a Modena 40/60 Lsd. This gearbox takes the larger 215mm 915 clutch assembly and has a different cable and actuation but Iam including a cable and associated parts to fit,a Sachs pressure plate and near new Sachs drive plate and throwout bearing.

would cost in the region of $10k plus  to build again plus clutch etc.

sold my longhood car and this is no longer required and would be a perfect box for Group S or N racing or a strong hotrod box,

asking $6800  complete as a package.

Pictures on request  as files are too large-to -nicmarentis@mail.com or call 0438 270672


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A box like this is a great way to make you feel like you've just gained 30+ hp in your longhood and the LSD is a great addition not just getting out of corners but going in as well......That's a bargain price for what this is.

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