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More 2018 Porsche Enthusiasm.


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Simon has written a great post on his 2018 Porsche adventures with words/pics/videos. You can read it here -

At the start of 2018 I thought I would keep a check on how many Porsche miles & kms I did for the year. Not quite as well presented as Simon's journey but here it is. To say I was surprised is an understatement.

911 3.2 - 1599kms.


996 - 5408 ks.


718 Cayman - 520 ks. (This was a weekend loaner).


356 - 2695 miles (4337ks).


914/6 - 612 miles (985 ks).


Total of 12849 kms

Add to that the ks in the dailies - Jeep (13306) and the Fiat (12520) gives a total of 38675kms. That doesn't include the other classics we have as I didn't record them. Don't ask me how much I spent of fuel.🙄

And I haven't even thought about the ks done around tracks in race cars.

Bring on 2019

How many kms have you done? And I don't mean driving to work.

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