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Tee shirts

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 Just had @AndrewW drop in with a new tshirt design for me to no doubt spill coffee and food on eventually.

 It might be construed as free advertising for Piston Graphics, yet he does a helluva job with tshirts and decals, and I reckon he's knocked it out of the park with this one. Many thanks mate, it's perfect 👍

Excuse the crap pic


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7 minutes ago, Doish13 said:

You planing to sell this Lee?

 Haha, no mate. Probably the only thing I'm not selling actually 😂🙄 Got a spare Porsche Wanker Tee I'd sell ya. Not cheap though, as it's been worn by me, and probably has a gravy stain for that real patina look 👍

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