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question re speeding fines in Vic

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hi all

was on the freeway in Melb last weekend and was possibly doing 115km/hr when i saw a Highway patrol car parked on the embankment between the freeway lanes

the HPC was parked perpendicular to the oncoming traffic, i managed to break to slow down approx 20 meters away from them when i spotted them such that by the time i drove past the HPC i was doing 95km/hr.

as i went past there was a flash like a camera flash

am i going to cop a fine?

i thought to get a speeding fine from one of the HPC's , they have to pull you over ? or am i wrong- i cant seem to find an answer googling

appreciate feedback, answers  🙂

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 Across the country, 9/10 if you get a flash, you'll lose some cash! 

 As always, if you get a fine in the mail, request a photo before you 'admit guilt' as the cops like to say when you pay a fine.

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1 hour ago, 911virgin said:

hi all

was on the freeway in Melb last weekend and was possibly doing 115km/hr when i saw a Highway patrol car parked on the embankment between the freeway lanes

the HPC was parked perpendicular to the oncoming traffic, i managed to break to slow down approx 20 meters away from them when i spotted them such that by the time i drove past the HPC i was doing 95km/hr.

as i went past there was a flash like a camera flash

am i going to cop a fine?

i thought to get a speeding fine from one of the HPC's , they have to pull you over ? or am i wrong- i cant seem to find an answer googling

appreciate feedback, answers  🙂

Highway Patrol don't take photos.   Nor do any other mobile units.   So I wouldn't worry.  Only flashes you will get will be from the stationary cameras at intersections.

The camera cars used to emit a flash years ago, but they have progressed so no flash anymore, just a nasty letter in the mail to you. 

HP will certainly use hand held radar on you, but definitely no camera stuff...

They would have pulled you over to give you your bluey.   More than likely he was writing up his details from the former booked driver, and you have either snuck through or he was just caught up doing shit.

Relax all good, but you are lucky..


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No idea if you will get a fine but generally if you see them they have seen you.  Late/hard braking only works for the camera with the lines painted on the roads .. which there aren’t many of anymore.

no flash required IR camera does the job these days.

Use cruise on the highway if you have it 

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7 minutes ago, 911virgin said:

hey guys

thanks for the tips

i do feel slightly relieved but will wait the 2-4 weeks from the day to know im out of the woods

so if they are serious they will actually turn on their lights and pursue a speeding driver through the freeway traffic?

yes mate, I did 31 years in the job, I've been out for a while now, but still have contact with some of the boys.

H.P. take no prisoners, if they were going to book you, you would have had a rear view mirror full of red and blue lights.

Although, doing 115 through freeway traffic, with what has happened here recently involving a Porsche.....Just saying.....

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5 hours ago, 911virgin said:

hi all

was on the freeway in Melb last weekend and was possibly doing 115km/hr when i saw a Highway patrol car parked on the embankment between the freeway lanes

the HPC was parked perpendicular to the oncoming traffic, i managed to break to slow down approx 20 meters away from them when i spotted them such that by the time i drove past the HPC i was doing 95km/hr.

as i went past there was a flash like a camera flash

am i going to cop a fine?

i thought to get a speeding fine from one of the HPC's , they have to pull you over ? or am i wrong- i cant seem to find an answer googling

appreciate feedback, answers  🙂

I'll take a guess It was coincidental - maybe just the sun flashing off glass.

4 hours ago, LeeM said:

 Across the country, 9/10 if you get a flash, you'll lose some cash! 

 As always, if you get a fine in the mail, request a photo before you 'admit guilt' as the cops like to say when you pay a fine.

Paying a fine is NOT an admission of guilt - it's what can make paying a fine attractive to some people and businesses, nothing to report.  But I definitely agree with checking the photo.  Also, a ticket is not a traffic conviction.

3 hours ago, Niko said:

Highway Patrol don't take photos.   Nor do any other mobile units.   So I wouldn't worry.  Only flashes you will get will be from the stationary cameras at intersections.

The camera cars used to emit a flash years ago, but they have progressed so no flash anymore, just a nasty letter in the mail to you. 

HP will certainly use hand held radar on you, but definitely no camera stuff...

They would have pulled you over to give you your bluey.   More than likely he was writing up his details from the former booked driver, and you have either snuck through or he was just caught up doing shit.

Relax all good, but you are lucky..


There are some newer units incorporating vehicle image capture being trialled - particularly the number plate recognition stuff.  As we move to less pursuing, the idea is the toggies will just appear at your door later in the day and serve the PIN.  There is also some trials in NSW on mobile camera units for roads where the car or solo can't safely turn and burn after you...

2 hours ago, Niko said:

yes mate, I did 31 years in the job, I've been out for a while now, but still have contact with some of the boys.

H.P. take no prisoners, if they were going to book you, you would have had a rear view mirror full of red and blue lights.

Although, doing 115 through freeway traffic, with what has happened here recently involving a Porsche.....Just saying.....

Eight years was enough for me - Q district :D  The Toggies weren't called Jury F@$#ers for no reason...

FWIW, I successfully fought a camera fine in Qld 15 years ago after the operator erroneously set up on the wrong side of the a 90 to 100 kph zone in Riverview outside of Ipswich.  I was done for 98 in a 90 zone.  As soon as I saw the photo background in the photo I knew I was in a 100kph zone (not 90).  Trying to ring the Traffic Camera Unit was impossible so I had to elect to go to court.  I kept getting letters telling me how bad it would be for me if I didn't plead guilty (seriously) and it wasn't until I asked for the brief of evidence two weeks before the mention date that a copper actually rang me to convince me that it was bad to represent myself.  It was only then I was able to speak to a human and explain the Qld Police Service was going to look a bit stupid if it went to court - I explained the circumstances, he went quiet and then told me he'd call back.  About three hours later I got a call from the Supervisor apologising and withdrawing the ticket.  He refused to tell me if all tickets issued from that camera on the day would also be withdrawn/refunded - but I'd say they would have to have been.

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I only mentioned that, as our top flop...err...cop said exactly that only a few weeks ago when a truck driver went to the media to say he was mistakenly fined. He paid it so he didn't get in the shit, and on the news the cop said, quote "Well he paid the fine so he's admitted guilt of the driving offence, and we won't be refunding him" unquote. 

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1 minute ago, LeeM said:


I only mentioned that, as our top flop...err...cop said exactly that only a few weeks ago when a truck driver went to the media to say he was mistakenly fined. He paid it so he didn't get in the shit, and on the news the cop said, quote "Well he paid the fine so he's admitted guilt of the driving offence, and we won't be refunding him" unquote. 

LOL - it doesn't work that way, Top Flop should know that.  The department I work for these days issued fines to a (deserving) stakeholder who reluctantly paid because he didn't need the bad publicity.  Our communications people promptly made a media release pretty much naming him in the community and he was able to successfully sue the department for defamation. That was a hard lesson learned for a few prideful public servants...

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1 hour ago, Fishcop said:

Our communications people promptly made a media release pretty much naming him in the community and he was able to successfully sue the department for defamation. That was a hard lesson learned for a few prideful public servants...

 Good. There should be more public servants made accountable for thinking their shit doesn't stink because they hold a position of power 👍

 And I'm not cop bashing here by the way. Only the select few higher ups

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6 minutes ago, LeeM said:

 Good. There should be more public servants made accountable for thinking their shit doesn't stink because they hold a position of power 👍

 And I'm not cop bashing here by the way. Only the select few higher ups

Ha ha - I criticise policing and public servants all the time - but I get to do it from an edified perspective :D

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16 hours ago, Niko said:

yes mate, I did 31 years in the job, I've been out for a while now, but still have contact with some of the boys.

H.P. take no prisoners, if they were going to book you, you would have had a rear view mirror full of red and blue lights.

Although, doing 115 through freeway traffic, with what has happened here recently involving a Porsche.....Just saying.....

duly noted , yes, just so easy to go faster than you realise with the 911 power

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Maybe straying away from the topic but NSW is "catching up" with the other States by removing any speed camera warning signs - the profit increase has been incredible for no net gain in lives...  Funny about that! What I find amusing is the current opposition have rightly called it out for the cash gouge that it is - but nowhere have they undertaken to reverse the policy should they be voted into power - this is the power of the industry that has successfully monetised traffic safety...  https://www.news.com.au/technology/motoring/nsw-lowrange-speeding-fines-increased-by-1599-per-cent-in-march-2021-opposition-analysis/news-story/21e186c5b6fbd1d4ffe696d627b34481

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27 minutes ago, Coastr said:

^ inattention the bigger issue?

I agree with Coastr, all you need to do NSW is pay attention like we do in Vic.  When you spot a speed camera ahead slow down.  if you are over the limit that is.  It's about time you guys in NSW got rid of the sign that said "if you are speeding please slow down as there is a camera ahead".  WTF.  We in Vic have always had to look ahead to spot the cameras.  No special sign for us.  It makes everyone better drivers as everyone is paying attention to the road ahead, looking out for cameras. 

The real solution to paying fines though is simple.  Do not exceed speed limit.  Easy solution I know but it works really well.

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23 minutes ago, Lucky Phil said:

I agree with Coastr, all you need to do NSW is pay attention like we do in Vic.  When you spot a speed camera ahead slow down.  if you are over the limit that is.  It's about time you guys in NSW got rid of the sign that said "if you are speeding please slow down as there is a camera ahead".  WTF.  We in Vic have always had to look ahead to spot the cameras.  No special sign for us.  It makes everyone better drivers as everyone is paying attention to the road ahead, looking out for cameras. 

The real solution to paying fines though is simple.  Do not exceed speed limit.  Easy solution I know but it works really well.

Accident rates per car and per mileage are lower in most central and northern European roads despite higher speed limits and less fixation on speed limits by enforcement officers.  I do not therefore remain convinced that somewhat authoritarian speed limits result in more attentive drivers.

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yeah because watching your speedo constantly and the ever changing speed zones means you can totally focus on driving....oh wait

The Vic Gov used to have ads saying that since they introduced speed cameras, the road toll had lowered but failed to mention that cars had also got ABS, multiple air bags and various other safety items at the same time, but it was definitely the cameras, not the cars 😉

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I’ve noticed quite a few roads get new speed limits over the years …. Ie what was a 70 is now a 60

According the TAC, 10kmh over means you are something like 4 times more likely to die

So I wonder if those 10kmh limit reductions resulted in 4 times less accidents/deaths? I think I may know the answer 

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 That's probably just some snotty 20 year old math major uni grad's theory to justify their government paid studies.

The 'experts' always say ''be patient on the roads", yet when you have dickheads in Camrys doing 50 in a 60 on practically every major road, frustration takes over which can lead to accidents.

 These experts never take into account the extra cars on the road from the population growth, not to mention utter dickheads unable to drive, so what do they expect when more people are dying on the roads? The more cars on the roads, the more people will have accidents, it's simple math averages, yet whats their solution? Drop speed limits and increase fines to pay for a shitload more revenue raising cameras. Yeah, that'll fix the road toll 🙄

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