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I ordered some parts to do an intake refresh on my 928 prior to chrissie so I could do it in my time off. Parts were sent on 22nd December but I never received them! The company opened today so I phoned them and asked were they were? They were sent on 22nd as he said and arrived at my PO box the next day..... Rang the post office "yes there is a parcel here has been here for a couple of weeks" FFS, I was in every day for the past 2 weeks to see if there, not once was I notified and my mother in law even asked if there were any parcels there on occasion!! I had an extra week off work home by myself to do this work on my car.


PO should leave a card in your PO Box, or is that just bike smoke style?


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PO should leave a card in your PO Box, or is that just bike smoke style?


Yes they should, but they forgot to!! They knew it was there just did nothing about it and their attitude towards it sucks!! Has me rethinking the whole PO Box deal.......

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I spent 5 hours today removing the front left fender on my 911. 5 hours. Took me over an hour just to get the two Allen head screws out from behind the door area.  If I can give one word of advice to anyone considering doing this, it would be DON'T.   But I did find a bit of rust,  and a lot of trapped dirt.  make sure you pressure clean up around the headlight buckets regularly. 

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Woman..nagging in my ear… we are late we are late and shes the one who cant get her arse out the door .. we have no fuel in the car because she believes E is for Enough.. quick stop and the petrol station….. note I said petrol…. 50 litres later… notice just before I went to start the diesel Landrover… filled it in the drama with a nice service of 95 ….Oooops.. Car still sitting at the Petrol bowser .. tow and tank drain tmrw… :angry:

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Well impressed .. of course all my fat , cars are a mans domain !!!  And now she wants to know with her friend here , why do I have a garage full of cars that I cant give a lift to anyo one with…?

you been bugging my place.??  We have the same "discussion"  often 

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Woman..nagging in my ear… we are late we are late and shes the one who cant get her arse out the door .. we have no fuel in the car because she believes E is for Enough.. quick stop and the petrol station….. note I said petrol…. 50 litres later… notice just before I went to start the diesel Landrover… filled it in the drama with a nice service of 95 ….Oooops.. Car still sitting at the Petrol bowser .. tow and tank drain tmrw… :angry:

Use their logic,If SHE hadn`t been putting you under so much stress by not being ready on time,and not filling the car up on her way home last time It would never have happened. You are only human after all Symsy.

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….. note I said petrol…. 50 litres later… notice just before I went to start the diesel Landrover… filled it in the drama with a nice service of 95 ….Oooops.. Car still sitting at the Petrol bowser .. tow and tank drain tmrw… :angry:

Very very sad storey Symsy, I can feel your pain.:(    

Welcome to the very exclusive "dumb *&%#@s club" of which I am a fully qualified member.;)

Many years ago I filled my 320 Beemer up with fuel at the Shell servo.  

After hanging up the pump......I realised ........diesel :o   

Oh No...30 litres of Deisel in my beloved Beemer.

When I went in to pay for the crap, still trying to work out what I was going to do.

I sheepishly told the cashier what I had just done....:ph34r:

He Said with a a laugh....."Your not the first, there have been a lot of people mistake that particular pump for petrol":angry:


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Woman..nagging in my ear… we are late we are late and shes the one who cant get her arse out the door .. we have no fuel in the car because she believes E is for Enough.. quick stop and the petrol station….. note I said petrol…. 50 litres later… notice just before I went to start the diesel Landrover… filled it in the drama with a nice service of 95 ….Oooops.. Car still sitting at the Petrol bowser .. tow and tank drain tmrw… :angry:

Another local (known to @symsy did the same thing in his Peugot family wagon........but didn't realise he had done it so drove it until it "stopped for some reason".   Ended up being an insurance claim.

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Same..  Filled up my Diesel Territory with unleaded..  I got about 5km before limp mode kicked in.

I was passing through Gympie as it happened and I called the local ford dealership, explained the problem and he nailed it on the head - sounds like you've filled it full of unleaded.  I bet you filled up at the Puma south of town.  Yep I say, how'dyah know.?  Oh, it happens all the time he replies..  The says can you hang on a sec while I put you on hold.  A few minutes later he returns, and tells me that the call was from another victim of Puma South Gympie..  Diesel motor filled with unleaded..  'happens all the time' is ringing in my ear..!  

Where I finally stopped though coincidentally was right across the road from a tow truck shop which was right next door to a diesel mechanic.!  I go ask the towie if he can give me a tow to the mechanic next door.  Sure he says, where are you broken down.?  I point across the road.  Was the most expensive short haul tow in history I reckon.!

Anyway, grabbed a hire car went to Gladstone to get the job done to hightale it back to Gympie the following day to pick up my car..  Get there at 4 - Oh sorry, its Friday afternoon, it won't be ready now until Monday.  Ok, extend the hire car, head back to Brisbane..  Monday comes, Tuesday goes and finally on Wednesday I get to go ahead to collect the vehicle.

Call my insurance broker and ask 'do I have an idiot clause in my policy' which thankfully I did... 

I distinctly remember when I filled up that I grabbed the pump from the DIESEL bowser because I remember doing a half pirouette to untangle the hoses.. It would seem that some clown had swapped the pumps heads around, probably just for shits and giggles and is likely in cohorts with the local diesel mechanic.!  It is Gympie after all and I make no apologies if I offend anyone by saying that.!    Build the bypass I say and make it happen soon.!

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ha ha well it's not such an exclusive club after all.;)  

I remember the Beemer would still eeerrrrrrr sort of embarrassingly drive, so I just ended up topping it up with "super" at virtually every petrol station I passed.

Finally cleared the system...after a lot of K's

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  Just remembered when I was a youngen, I filled up a then new Nissan Exa Turbo with Diesel. I didn't have that job very long for some reason

just getting ahead of the curve by filling the fuel system with oil.  It was going to get past the valve seals and oil rings anyway. 

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When I had diesel dcab I was a member of the Navara forum. Happens very frequently, mostly the missus got blamed. Yeh right. 

Well my wife was nagging at me - Just wouldn't let up ( having just picked up a new LR Freelander 2 in Sydney heading to Melbourne ) 

Stopped at Goulburn for fuel - Just had to get out of the car and stupidly grabbed the wrong nozzle

Being brand new had to get it fixed locally as i couldn't take my chance voiding the warranty

Two train trips later, three nights accommodation I finally had the car back ( $1500 exercise )



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Years ago I worked for the SA  government department of agriculture. We had a number of tractors, some new and some old.  Amongst them was a 55hp Fiat crawler tractor with a front blade.  Like a mini bulldozer. During winter it could be a bit of a dog to start because it had a steel fuel tank that was exposed,  and the fuel would turn waxy. So one day our resident equipment abuser couldn't get it running. I told him to get a clean rag and put a bit of petrol on it,  hold it at the inlet of the air filter, and crank it over.  "the vapour will help it start". Next thing I hear this old Fiat diesel revving it's ring off.  Turned out that he soaked the rag,  took the air cleaner hood off,  removed the element,  and cranked it over.  It fired up and sucked the rag out of his hand and into the intake manifold, and he couldn't shut it down. I went running out there to find a plume of white smoke coming from the exhaust, and the tach hard against the needle stop, - 5000 revs. At full open throttle it normally maxed out at around 3600. I  eventually shut it down by starving the air supply, but not before doing some serious damage to the engine. 


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You would think that someone would design a different nozzle and tank filler neck, just as they did when unleaded was introduced, so that you couldn't accidentally fill up with super.

Not that hard really.

That's what I have always thought, no mistakes when you can't get the nozzle in.

Friends of ours just got their first diesel last week, I am just waiting to hear from them when they make their first mistake with fueling......

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