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  Blah blah blah. Having a sook about the inauguration? He needs to get out more. What a wanker

  I think it's hilarious that Trump got in, and I hope he makes all these naysayers look stupid, especially a minority of the million people that protested, and trashed half a city doing so. Well done to those morons. You just made sure the world knows how ridiculous people can be when they oppose something.

  Until Trump has been in office for a length of time, noone knows how or if his policies will come to fruition (like anyone else's promises), yet as many have said, Better the devil you know, than Hillary!



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  Blah blah blah. Having a sook about the inauguration? He needs to get out more. What a wanker

  I think it's hilarious that Trump got in, and I hope he makes all these naysayers look stupid, especially a minority of the million people that protested, and trashed half a city doing so. Well done to those morons. You just made sure the world knows how ridiculous people can be when they oppose something.

  Until Trump has been in office for a length of time, noone knows how or if his policies will come to fruition (like anyone else's promises), yet as many have said, Better the devil you know, than Hillary!

I hope you're truly just being ironic ! 

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4 cars, 8 keys. Two cars stolen two cars unable to be used! Mo fo's. p car ok but new keys and locks  - big dollars. M6 ok but new locks and keys. - big dollars. Apparently not much is covered from a keys perspective. 5 insurance excesses and keys out pocket. About a 10-12k morning so far. Is it too early to drink. 

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4 cars, 8 keys. Two cars stolen two cars unable to be used! Mo fo's. p car ok but new keys and locks  - big dollars. M6 ok but new locks and keys. - big dollars. Apparently not much is covered from a keys perspective. 5 insurance excesses and keys out pocket. About a 10-12k morning so far. Is it too early to drink. 

Condolences.  That's a heartbreak right there.

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Thanks lads. They jimmied the garage door about a meter off the floor and got in to the study. Living in QLD you have your aircon on and doors closed. No hurt so that is good. Freaking annoying though. 3 weeks ex Germany for the porker and god knows for the Beemer. 

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Really terrible thing to happen, I feel very sorry for you Thumperson, at least you are all ok. Maybe you need a NSW born Blue Healer, he'd "greet" your Queenslander car thieves in an appropriate manner :)  My Cattle dog loves burglars, but she couldn't eat a whole one. 

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Sounds like Qldrs, are learning their skills from the evil doers down here in Mexico.

Sorry to hear that though Thumperson.  

But rest assured....your satisfaction will come when they get caught and face Justice through the courts.......NOT

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Really terrible thing to happen, I feel very sorry for you Thumperson, at least you are all ok. Maybe you need a NSW born Blue Healer, he'd "greet" your Queenslander car thieves in an appropriate manner :)  My Cattle dog loves burglars, but she couldn't eat a whole one. 

Yes perhaps you are right. I definitely cannot recommend whippets and budgies as guard animals. Great pets but rubbish at raising the alarm. 

Apparently we have the same anti pursuit rules here according to the boys in blue that attended the house.  And the kids know it so all good as far as they are concerned. 

I would hate for an innocent bystander to get hurt while the cops were chasing my stuff. It is only stuff and can all be replaced - with a bit of cash!

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Hang on.....if they have the keys to the porsche and the M6...........how are you planning on keeping the cars in your house? 

BoTh cars were towed away dejectedly this afternoon for sleepovers at there respective manufactures. Not a bad nights work for the little shits. Stole 210000 worth of cars and made another 160 unusable with 15k of out of pocket on top of that. 5 minutes alone with them would be all I want. I pay my taxes damn it! ?

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 Been without our main swampy air conditioner for a while, as the motor packed up, so we had some bloke come out to sort it out 3 weeks ago.

 As its been hot here, we had it going for coupla hours a day, as I hate the heat (the missus is the opposite). Anyway, had it on yesterday for probably 2 hours or so in the morning, came inside to make sure Roxy (the dog) was ok, and noticed the carpet had a decent wet patch (don't go there!) and thought she'd had a wee. Noticed some water on the cabinet and wondered how the hell.....look up....AH S..T! The whole ceiling bowed and dripping water pretty steadily! Rang the aircond guy who came out straight away, and they hadn't set the water level float correctly,  so it was flooding into the fan and dropping steadily into the ceiling via the downward duct on amd off for 3 weeks, so the ceiling is knackered. Awesome! The aircond guy was great, and has offered up his insurance details without question, so we won't have any problems there

 After the rains we had that flooded the ceiling of the extension, this is the final straw. We have to do a major reno, as gawd knows what is next on the list to fail, so do the lot in one go

 Time to get some quotes and see the bank methinks


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