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  I understand that completely, yet it does affect those that have been doing it for years, and now they either have to work longer hours, or find another job. As I mentioned above, if a business owner wants to open on the weekends, that's their decision, yet now, who will be out of pocket 25%? Not them that's for sure

 Fair enough, if you don't want to take a pay cut, that's up to you to decide what you want to do for employment, yet to have a few blokes sit around a table to decide the fate of thousands of people pisses me off

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Junior is driving the 911 for the first time in traffic and stalls at the lights, no big deal.  The lad knows he's holding up traffic and is doing his best to get started asap. Even so, driver behind us decides to get on his horn to let us know we're holding him up for a precious few seconds.  What an arsehole.

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Junior is driving the 911 for the first time in traffic and stalls at the lights, no big deal.  The lad knows he's holding up traffic and is doing his best to get started asap. Even so, driver behind us decides to get on his horn to let us know we're holding him up for a precious few seconds.  What an arsehole.

And it wouldn't have had anything to do with what sort of car you were in....much

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Whaddaya mean? Doesn't everyone teach their kids to drive in the old banger, not he shiny new one?

I actually think it's very good of you to teach the young bloke in that Harvs.B)

Speaking of morons on the road.  

I was at a section today where two lanes go into one.   I am running slightly in front of a sh*#fighter Toyota Tarago or whatever they are called.

I'm in the right lane, thought I would just accelerate a tad to clear from him, and that was the plan (Mrs Handbrake in the car with me)<_<

This moron decided he didn't want a P car to get in front, so he floored it.  

Discretion took the better part of valour with me, and I just let him go as he went across the grass verge on his left, so he could get the front position.:o  

Unreal......anyway sorry that should have been in the vent thread.   Or actually the What made me smile thread.   Or laugh....:lol:


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I actually think it's very good of you to teach the young bloke in that Harvs.B)

Speaking of morons on the road.  

I was at a section today where two lanes go into one.   I am running slightly in front of a sh*#fighter Toyota Tarago or whatever they are called.

I'm in the right lane, thought I would just accelerate a tad to clear from him, and that was the plan (Mrs Handbrake in the car with me)<_<

This moron decided he didn't want a P car to get in front, so he floored it.  

Discretion took the better part of valour with me, and I just let him go as he went across the grass verge on his left, so he could get the front position.:o  

Unreal......anyway sorry that should have been in the vent thread.   Or actually the What made me smile thread.   Or laugh....:lol:


Living in Elsternwick at the moment, anyone who's spent time around here knows to stay well clear of Taragos  :ph34r:

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Whaddaya mean? Doesn't everyone teach their kids to drive in the old banger, not the shiny new one?

Photo or it didn't happen.   I enjoyed teaching mine in different cars.  Gives them a whole range of experiences.  btw.....I did ask her the question "What was the speed limit of the road, as the rear wing was up ?"


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Junior is driving the 911 for the first time in traffic and stalls at the lights, no big deal.  The lad knows he's holding up traffic and is doing his best to get started asap. Even so, driver behind us decides to get on his horn to let us know we're holding him up for a precious few seconds.  What an arsehole.

2 words.

 Sunroof.       Bird.    

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Junior is driving the 911 for the first time in traffic and stalls at the lights, no big deal.  The lad knows he's holding up traffic and is doing his best to get started asap. Even so, driver behind us decides to get on his horn to let us know we're holding him up for a precious few seconds.  What an arsehole.

IMO it's not the Porsche.

My young fella had all sorts of harsh treatment during his learning period. Aggressive drivers do the same thing to anyone not meeting their standard. 

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IMO it's not the Porsche.

My young fella had all sorts of harsh treatment during his learning period. Aggressive drivers do the same thing to anyone not meeting their standard. 

I tend to agree.  It happens no matter what the car and has always been the case.  These cretins must a have short memories of when they were learning. 

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I would hate to think that the next generation or event current drivers have little or no exposure to operating a vehicle in a stressful situation. Perhaps placing them under stress while there is a cool head there to guide them is a good idea. After all they could be triggered at any time and their safe space is probably some distance away. ? But of course P car drivers do not need safe spaces and we have learnt to deal with the Tradies, 4WD's and mums taxies that line us up in their sights.

If you want stress try the poor guy I saw today stopped (reason unknown but not an accident) on the run up to the bridge over the Murray river at Echuca with nowhere to go but over it and a kilometer of trafic behind him when I went by and they were not in for a short wait either. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

What happened to learner drivers being taught 'As near as practicable to the left hand side of the carriageway' ? 

 Stuck behind this asshat instructor and learner for over 3 kms doing 45 in a 60 in the right lane! Bet he wondered why he got others blowing their horns and the finger from me! :) 

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What happened to learner drivers being taught 'As near as practicable to the left hand side of the carriageway' ? 

 Stuck behind this asshat instructor and learner for over 3 kms doing 45 in a 60 in the right lane! Bet he wondered why he got others blowing their horns and the finger from me! :) 

Dunno Lee, but this isn't just a learner issue. Have a look at how many bozos in Victoria drive in the right lane with the cruise locked on 100.


My big vent.... Cyclists.. ... Up the inside at the lights, move into the centre of the lane and wobble like a drunk at a King St nightclub while they clip their peddle in.  

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My big vent.... Cyclists.. ... Up the inside at the lights, move into the centre of the lane and wobble like a drunk at a King St nightclub while they clip their peddle in.  

It's an ego thing, shows us all how cool and fab they are, as if any of us give a fuch ....and trim n terrific they are with their nice taut buts and shaven legs (do they own Coxsters as well???) , They think we admire their wobbling and cheating the red light, as if anyone in a car cares ..... oh except for hipsters who ride a fixie or other mamils. I know there's mamils that do the hills on here (you should be ashamed motors are where it's at) but one of my pet hates is a very early morn targa and they are 2 abreast down the tight twisties at about 25k or "flying along" singularly at about 45k the entire way down a tight run - there I am patiently in first and 5000 rpm just courteously awaiting my chance at a speed limit at least. 

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 Shot was taken from my dashcam on a recent drive through the Adelaide hills. Montacute road uptrack. Now imagine someone in a car coming around this corner at speed!  I have a few of these photo's I posted on an SA Police Facebook page, where there were a minority of hardcore cyclists (aka morons) saying 'It doesn't happen' on that road. The pics were removed, and I was privately warned by their admin to not stir shit up basically. I'm all for cycling (not physically though), and they have a right to be on the road as much as a car or motorcycle has, yet just don't be a minority moron, and us your brains


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As a cyclist, you c$%nts make me sick.  "Motorists" are perfect, all of you, all the time. 

As a motorist, cyclist and motorcyclist, motorists are most definitely the worst road users by far. /end of rant.


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 Well first, I resent being called a c@#t, so knock that shit off thanks mate. Secondly, I have no problem whatsoever with cyclists as I mentioned.  You have EVERY RIGHT to be on the road, yet if ride like the way they do in the pic I posted, then you're part of the problem, and you'll end up on your arse!

Thirdly, I've ridden motorcycles for 30 years on the road, and have done some utterly stupid shit that I'm glad I came out of the other side of, yet I did them in an area where no other motorist or pedestrian would be harmed. Imagine being responsible for killing these asshats when they ride like this in the hills! A, they're riding illegally for a start, and B, they're putting their own lives at risk. C, I agree that motorists are the worst. D, don't call me a c#$t

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Its way past time cyclists had to have a license. They need to show that they actually know the road rules as well as pass an attitude, danger perception and bike control test. And for most it is when not if they are caught breaking the road rules or riding dangerously that they are put off the road for the safety of others (I dont give a  .... what they do to themselves) I have seen way to many instances where if a driver did that they would be hooning and lose their licence on the spot.


Ill give an example. It was not that long ago that any noddy could get on a jet ski and ride it in VIC. I had a NSW license and almost no one in VIC knew that you stay to the right in narrow waterways or go anticlockwise on lakes (unless otherwise signed) this created way way to many near misses. They then bought in PWC licencing in VIC and the situation improved greatly virtually overnight. Now they need to sort out the little tinnies.  I have many more examples of where not operating to a common set of rules is just plain stupid.

Its a toss up between push bike riders and Kangaroos as to which has the better road sense and self preservation instinct.

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The majority of my commute to work includes bicycle lanes painted on the left side. The majority of riders are doing the right thing by themselves and motorists travelling adjacent on the road. It's the minority of cyclists that put themselves and others at risk by openly breaking the rules. It's all too common to see them ride straight through a pedestrian crossing or make illegal turns at intersections.  This puts unsuspecting pedestrians and road users at risk. I know who will get put through the ringer if there's a collision, the motorist will be be at fault until proven otherwise.  I also cycle to work regularly so understand the temptation to sneak through when you think it's clear but I see too many close calls and self preservation gets priority over arriving at work a minute or two quicker.  I've experienced first hand car vs. bicycle and don't want to repeat that.  Unfortunately, too many cyclists think they are bulletproof and unanswerable to the law.

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My majority of my commute to work includes bicycle lanes painted on the left side. The majority of riders are doing the right thing by themselves and motorists travelling adjacent on the road. It's the minority of cyclists that put themselves and others at risk by openly breaking the rules. It's all too common to see them ride straight through a pedestrian crossing or make illegal turns at intersections.  This puts unsuspecting pedestrians and road users at risk. I know who will get put through the ringer if there's a collision, the motorist will be be at fault until proven otherwise.  I also cycle to work regularly so understand the temptation to sneak through when you think it's clear but I see too many close calls and self preservation gets priority over arriving at work a minute or two quicker.  I've experienced first hand car vs. bicycle and don't want to repeat that.  Unfortunately, too many cyclists think they are bulletproof and unanswerable to the law.

You have touched on the main issue we have here in Aus, most of our roads are not designed to accommodate both cars and cyclists.

It is not a motorist vs cyclist issue, it is just that dumb people do dumb things.....

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