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The amount of revenue that must be raised from fines must be incredible, because the amount of people I have seen screwing around on their phones today was astounding.


If this was enforced the revenue would be even greater than the phone thing.

Vents have been repeated before, but today just took the cake.


This says it all Tman and to others like me who despise these irresponsible dick heads.  


What a tragedy.   And the penalty.   Not much difference here.




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This says it all Tman and to others like me who despise these irresponsible dick heads.  


What a tragedy.   And the penalty.   Not much difference here.





Good grief!!!  That girl is an inspiration and simply amazing. 


Love her new number plate!!


So not only was the woman that caused the crash texting, she was doing more than double the speed limit? WTF and she gets a ticket? What BS.  

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44 is friggin ridiculous! It's too hot dammit!


46 forecast today


Finally broke those temp records set back in 1938/39……and they didn't have global warming back then !  <_<




EDIT: Full moon tonight……..Just wait until midnight, take the roof off, go for a blast 


DEF: Blast means driving safely, obeying speed limits and laws at all times……. :D

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Those idiots that sit just above the speed limit in dual lanes then slow to 80kph (or less) after the lanes merge.


Also the ones that sit 10kph below the speed limit on the open road then 10kph above through towns


Wish I had a big 4WD with a nudge bar at times….. :angry:

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Those idiots that sit just above the speed limit in dual lanes then slow to 80kph (or less) after the lanes merge.


Also the ones that sit 10kph below the speed limit on the open road then 10kph above through towns


Wish I had a big 4WD with a nudge bar at times….. :angry:


It was easier driving to my parents before they put in a few overtaking lanes. Now when I drive there, I find I sit behind a slower car waiting for those lanes, only to find out that said slow car in front speeds up OR some dumbass will just sit in the right hand lane in the dual carriageway blocking me!


Sigh - the only revenge is to have tolerance, relax and just enjoy the countryside!  :P  pffffft as if!

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Countryside?  is either a big dirty hole in the ground or a pile of rubble that you cannot see over.


Rehabilitated countryside is a hole in the ground or a pile of rubble with grass planted on it  … so you cannot see the hole in the ground. 

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friend ships me gearbox and drive shaft via e-go. 30kg box.

e-blow delivers halfshaft, from a completely different car, in a 7kg box, that was meant to go from a house in nsw to a shop in vic.


Where is yours?  

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Driving to work this morning along the Monash fwy, doing the 80kph thing in the left lane while getting the hurry-up from behind by a hero in a late model Commo.   All the other lanes were at the same speed.  Hero decides he just has to get past me so he dives into the on-ramp around my left and pushes in front of me. Genius! 

Karma got him though.  He got stuck in the left lane further up when the traffic slowed to a crawl.  Funny how traffic next to him (me) slowed just when he wanted to change lanes.  Felt good too! 

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Had two cars(make that two Aholes) going past our place this morning at Mach1 straight over the speed humps, and around the bend I live on.

School holidays and kids often in the park here, god help them if they had have been on the road or one of these clowns had have lost it in the slippery conditions and headed off into the park. Having said that there are lots of big trees in the park and maybe that is not such a bad thought.

I could hear them coming also sirens in the distance. .

Apparently they had been chased by the local Highway Patrol from over Skye way which is about 2 K's from us and had lost them.

Chopper joined the action not long after and has been hovering for last 40 minutes or so and doing circles.

I really hope they get these dickheads. This suburb is a real problem with Hoons.

I really must be getting old...I just don't understand this behaviour.....

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Bit full on Nicko.

We have a round about near us with a pedestrian crossing and some interesting changes in camber, that when wet results in lots of p plater rwd cars ending up in gutters and trees constantly. Dangerous for all of us but no big crashes in my time here thankfully.

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Had two cars(make that two Aholes) going past our place this morning at Mach1 straight over the speed humps, and around the bend I live on.

School holidays and kids often in the park here, god help them if they had have been on the road or one of these clowns had have lost it in the slippery conditions and headed off into the park. Having said that there are lots of big trees in the park and maybe that is not such a bad thought.

I could hear them coming also sirens in the distance. .

Apparently they had been chased by the local Highway Patrol from over Skye way which is about 2 K's from us and had lost them.

Chopper joined the action not long after and has been hovering for last 40 minutes or so and doing circles.

I really hope they get these dickheads. This suburb is a real problem with Hoons.

I really must be getting old...I just don't understand this behaviour.....

Here you go Niko, Just make sure you are not in your P.J,s during deployment as you don`t want anything getting caught up in it


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Haha great stuff I might get some Mace and an Asp baton while I am at it, they will all come in handy here in the Bayside Bronx.

I wonder if it would be ill eagle to bring in the spikes???

I know the baton and mace might cause more than a ripple at the customs office but spikes......HMMMMM

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Bit full on Nicko.

We have a round about near us with a pedestrian crossing and some interesting changes in camber, that when wet results in lots of p plater rwd cars ending up in gutters and trees constantly. Dangerous for all of us but no big crashes in my time here thankfully.

Only a matter of time Nath....Over the years we have had our tree on the nature strip clipped,a bloody big concrete lamp post on the side of my driveway, clipped. I sometimes have to park on my nature strip and it's a worry.

There is a walking path which comes from the opp side of my street and crosses the road right next to my driveway, and I have seen heaps of near misses with people using the shared path and crossing the road with kids walking and on the pushbikes, with the zoomers belting around the bend. Just a matter of time before some Mum/Dad and kids get cleaned up.

Gotta say if they hit my Grand kids when they are here playing in the park etc, WW111 will begin.,

Maybe I'm just get crabbier as I get older Nath...

sorry RANT/VENT over...time to up my meds and have a nanny nap

Maybe I just am getting to old for that sort of stuff now..

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