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Driving home this afternoon and stopped at the lights.

Woman to my left on her mobile.

Woman to my right, texting on her mobile.

Guy behind me looking down into his lap, then up, then down............presumably on his mobile.

Driving home from the car park catch up after 9 and dark. Went to change lanes when I saw a metallic reflection in my drivers side mirror.

Black car with no lights coming up along side me. As they approached I hit the horn so I could get the attention of the driver and tell them about the lights.

Kept hitting the horn for 15-20 seconds whilst she was beside me. She was TOTALLY OBLIVIOUS to my honking, and the obvious lack of lights, as she was on her bloody mobile phone!!!!!!!!!!

I have now had enough. I really don't car if you pick up the phone to hit a number and dial out, but I've had enough of the idiots texting on the steering wheel or holding the phone to their ear or thinking that speaker phone 5cm away from their mouth is OK.

My horn is now ready to work over time!!!!!!!

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Driving home this afternoon and stopped at the lights.

Woman to my left on her mobile.

Woman to my right, texting on her mobile.

Guy behind me looking down into his lap, then up, then down............presumably on his mobile.

Driving home from the car park catch up after 9 and dark. Went to change lanes when I saw a metallic reflection in my drivers side mirror.

Black car with no lights coming up along side me. As they approached I hit the horn so I could get the attention of the driver and tell them about the lights.

Kept hitting the horn for 15-20 seconds whilst she was beside me. She was TOTALLY OBLIVIOUS to my honking, and the obvious lack of lights, as she was on her bloody mobile phone!!!!!!!!!!

I have now had enough. I really don't car if you pick up the phone to hit a number and dial out, but I've had enough of the idiots texting on the steering wheel or holding the phone to their ear or thinking that speaker phone 5cm away from their mouth is OK.

My horn is now ready to work over time!!!!!!!

A couple of years ago now ,I actually had a guy in a van, who had wandered into my lane five times tell me to stop honking as he was on the phone and couldn`t hear , needless to say my hand stayed on the horn until he pulled over

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Driving home this afternoon and stopped at the lights.

Woman to my left on her mobile.

Woman to my right, texting on her mobile.

Guy behind me looking down into his lap, then up, then down............presumably on his mobile.

Driving home from the car park catch up after 9 and dark. Went to change lanes when I saw a metallic reflection in my drivers side mirror.

Black car with no lights coming up along side me. As they approached I hit the horn so I could get the attention of the driver and tell them about the lights.

Kept hitting the horn for 15-20 seconds whilst she was beside me. She was TOTALLY OBLIVIOUS to my honking, and the obvious lack of lights, as she was on her bloody mobile phone!!!!!!!!!!

I have now had enough. I really don't car if you pick up the phone to hit a number and dial out, but I've had enough of the idiots texting on the steering wheel or holding the phone to their ear or thinking that speaker phone 5cm away from their mouth is OK.

My horn is now ready to work over time!!!!!!!

My horns sounds as though it's testiclles are being strangled with cable ties. Is that normal...... cause the 993 does not a.very manly toot. Perhaps the bozo on the phone couldn't hear the little toot

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Major VENT time before my spleen explodes. Long read.


So my current move has been a cluster from the beginning.


Deep Breath.


So the house I had locked in a month and a half ago to be my new residence was in a nice area and the family was happy with the schools we are zoned for. Arrived in location early and tried to get the welcome visit moved forward from the Friday prior to our furniture being delivered but informed that it was impossible.


Welcome visit day, house looks nice, met the neighbours, really nice as one happened to be a police officer. Walked into the house and the plans we had chosen the house on were incorrect. All dimensions wrong and the house plan wrong. This is were I keep calm and not unload on the poor young girl showing us the house.


Travel back to the office to state the reasons why we rejected the house and informed that we have to chose a house today as we would be liable for all storage costs past the delivery date, which was on Monday. Still keeping calm at this stage, look at other houses available and notice one in the same area we had chosen and thinking to myself, ok, this will be cool.


Arrive at house and do the inspection. It would have been a nice house, once. A few things I pointed out to our liaison


  1. Entire yard had zero grass alive, and a few scraggly weeds looked on their last legs. I think they just applied round up to everything.
  2. House was filthy. Oven had not been cleaned, marks all over the walls, grease under the faucets, reminders of the last tenant still living in the toilets.
  3. The entire interior need a repaint de to damage to the walls, and what looked like water damage.
  4. Garage door had been reversed into and had trouble opening.


So obviously refuse that house. Next houses we were offered, from a limited choice, were in an area that the school that we are zoned for you need a flak jacket to walk through.  Great, just great. So off we trundle to look at these other houses. Ended up selecting one that the kitchen is too small as the others our main bedroom furniture would not fit into.  So here we are with a house in an area we didn’t want dreading the school choice for our children. Kitchen is now full and I have 8 boxes of kitchen gear still sitting in the garage waiting to be unpacked. So far I have thrown out a full dinner set and about 30 pieces of glassware.


And now the real fun begins as I had redirected mail, had electricity and gas put on and applied for the home phone to be moved. New house doesn’t have gas so charged for the connection to the address we were supposed to move into even though I will never use it. Electricity swap wasn’t to much of a pita. Telstra on the other hand…. Spleen explode time.


WTH. Useless.


Cancellled order for other house only to be told as ADSL was still in pending stage could not cancel order. Ok so wait another 5 days and finally get the call they can’t offer ADSL at address I was moving to the first time. Tell them to cancel the order and place a new order for the house I am currently living in. So waste of a week, no problems, phone connected 22 Jan, calming down as it looks like I can get ADSL. Fast forward to today and check why phone still has not been connected, order has been cancelled on new address instead of old address.


this is the part where brains explodes and yet I never raise my voice or swear at the poor indian on the other end of the line, so wanted to though


So it gets escalated and I get bounced around departments for 46 minutes until I finally have had enough and ask to be put through to complaints. Informed a manger would ring me straight back, well that was 3 hours ago. So TIO complaint submitted after I submitted an online Telstra complaint form and still waiting on the call back.


On a happy note, my wife managed to get both children into the local catholic private school. Originally we were informed there would not be a spot for my eldest daughter but the day my wife was filling out the application forms the principal receive a cancellation for a year 6 spot. But still, this is an extra $5000 a year expense I had not factored in. So no Porsche for me now, in the future or ever as it basically sucked my car savings dry. But my children’s education is far more important than any toys.


Vent over, and I haven’t even included the damage done to our basically brand new furniture by the removal. 

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Damn that is a horror story. Hope things work out. Don't drop the P plan just yet. I think you are due for some good luck, you've sure earnt some. Well done for not garroting (you know the word I mean) anyone, afraid my tolerance level would have been off the scale.

Hang in there REAX, it's gotta get better.

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Driving home this afternoon and stopped at the lights.Woman to my left on her mobile.Woman to my right, texting on her mobile.Guy behind me looking down into his lap, then up, then down............presumably on his mobile.Driving home from the car park catch up after 9 and dark. Went to change lanes when I saw a metallic reflection in my drivers side mirror.Black car with no lights coming up along side me. As they approached I hit the horn so I could get the attention of the driver and tell them about the lights.Kept hitting the horn for 15-20 seconds whilst she was beside me. She was TOTALLY OBLIVIOUS to my honking, and the obvious lack of lights, as she was on her bloody mobile phone!!!!!!!!!!I have now had enough. I really don't car if you pick up the phone to hit a number and dial out, but I've had enough of the idiots texting on the steering wheel or holding the phone to their ear or thinking that speaker phone 5cm away from their mouth is OK.My horn is now ready to work over time!!!!!!!

WE ARE SURROUNDED BY MORONS. It never used to be this bad, attitudes to the road have just plummeted over the last ten years.

Legislation needs to be introduced to seize the phone on the spot. No getting the contacts etc out of it....Seized ...sorry DH apply through the courts to get it back, (that should waste about a a year of your time) oh and here is your $1000.00 blister, oh and nearly forgot you have just lost 6 points. Have a nice day!

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My horns sounds as though it's testiclles are being strangled with cable ties. Is that normal...... cause the 993 does not a.very manly toot. Perhaps the bozo on the phone couldn't hear the little toot

I was in the REAL MAN car with the REAL MAN horn...............Hilux SR5 ute......MATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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My horns sounds as though it's testiclles are being strangled with cable ties. Is that normal...... cause the 993 does not a.very manly toot. Perhaps the bozo on the phone couldn't hear the little toot


Might I suggest



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*INSERT MANY SWEAR WORDS HERE - of the worst kind*

So I can reverse my car into the garage cm from the wall but when I drive in into it - I just touched my front bumper on my bike. The pedal kissed the bumper under the no plate and had taken paint off!!!


I'm furious with myself!

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Bugga, sorry to hear that A.


Been there done that.....knocked my bike it, fell onto the front guard, nice little pointy dent in it.   SPEW SPEW SPEW.


Took it to one of those magical dent removal people and $50.00 and 15 minutes later gone.


Certain panel beater in South Road Moorabbin had quoted me around $700.   


I found out later he would have probably just got a Dent Remover bloke in and done the same thing as I did....


Nice work if you can get it...


BOXSTERS and BIKES obviously do not like sharing the same garage with each other.

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Bugga, sorry to hear that A.

Been there done that.....knocked my bike it, fell onto the front guard, nice little pointy dent in it. SPEW SPEW SPEW.

Took it to one of those magical dent removal people and $50.00 and 15 minutes later gone.

Certain panel beater in South Road Moorabbin had quoted me around $700.

I found out later he would have probably just got a Dent Remover bloke in and done the same thing as I did....

Nice work if you can get it...

BOXSTERS and BIKES obviously do not like sharing the same garage with each other.

That's outrageous mark up isn't it! Pleased to hear yours was a simple fix.

When it happened. I was a bit scared to really look at it as I was so furious. I've gone back for another look and it's not as bad as I thought. It's just surface marks, should mostly buff out.

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I suggest you hang a cork, or empty 35mm film canister, from the the ceiling of your garage so that the cork hangs down in front of the windscreen and touches at the point you need to stop (to avoid obstacles and jealous bikes).  Works well in cramped garages.


Should help avoid future aggravation.

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A lump of 4x2 placed on the floor in the appropriate spot also works well as you don`t need to look


Less technical, simple to set up and gives you a weapon to use to bash the errant bike should it overstep its bounds again !


Trace the outline of the block on the floor, in case you kick it off its spot.

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Less technical, simple to set up and gives you a weapon to use to bash the errant bike should it overstep its bounds again !

Trace the outline of the block on the floor, in case you kick it off its spot.

Bash the bike! You'll feel good afterwards.

Better yet, throw it out and leave it on the lawn, or the neighbors driveway, or on the front door step. The kids seem to know the best places for them.

Moral of the story...cars and bikes don't play well together either on the road or at home in the garage.

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When you start working for a small business and the owner of said business sells the business on a Friday afternoon without telling you it was for sale until you get a phone call on Sunday night saying don't bother coming in on Monday FFS.

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