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So last night, went to a dinner for chinese new year with friends.  Great food, company.. only 4 beers and I had a bit of Sake.


OMG I feel like I'm dying, hangover or maybe I picked up a bug? Not sure..but I'm really not at all well.


And I'm meant to be going for a cruise today in my friends 1970 Corvette with the GoPro to shoot footage of his car  :(

That is not good news, "a good chinese meal with a nip of Sake (isn't that Japanese) will do that. :wacko: 


Good luck for today, crappy weather to be doing anything.


Better take a little sick bag, don't think the owner would be happy with fried rice and garlic prawns over his Chevy'S interior. :angry:



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Oh and here's another vent - friggin Bing - everytime I create a new Tab in firefox I get this bloody Bing search engine.  I've tried everything I've found online so far to remove it and it won't go!


I'm gonna have to buy a new iMac to get rid of it  lol

I have a similar problem although not with the MAC, wondering if anyone else has come across this.  


Our mobile phones are with TELECHOICE and the plan they gave me compared to what I was paying with OPTUS is nothing but sensational, saving me about $50.00 per month :D .  


However my message bank which used to have my voice on it requesting the caller to leave a message, had been taken over by some tart who tells the caller to leave a ten second message and it will be sent to me via text. :o


A mate left a message yesterday via that media and it was nothing like what he had actually left for me when it got sent to me as a text. :wacko:


My daughter and son in law also with TELECHOICE (Telstra network apparently) have also had the same message bank response put onto their phones. :o



Not happy Jan...... :(




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Hi Niko,


If I understand correctly you have have you ported from Optus to Telstra (Telechoice), ie you still have the same phone number and phone but now connected to the Telstra network? Is that right?


If this is the case you will need to set up Message Bank again on the Telstra network as your old message bank will not come across from Optus. To set up your message bank dial 101 and hit send and follow all the prompts and record your greetings. Once you have done that I would recommend then resetting your diversions.



How to restore or remove original settings
  • To restore all three conditional call forwarding settings (Busy, No Answer, No Reply) to MessageBank®, enter **004*101 #.


Then dial **61*101**30#

The 30 above means your phone will ring for 30sec before going to message bank, standard is 15sec.


I hope that will fix your issue.




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Thanks Ben, I appreciate your help, correct re swapping from the Optus to Telechoice, and keeping our old numbers.  


I did have the message bank set up with my personal greeting with the new carrier and it was in operation up to about a fortnight ago.  


I have just followed your steps again and checking my personal greeting on the 101 number it is still there and is read back to me, to see if I would like to keep or change it.   I kept it.


I then got out of the message bank and hung up.  


Then tried to ring my number from a land line and sure enough it goes back to the woman asking me to leave a ten second message to be converted to text.


Might have to call into TELECHOICE and see what can be done.... thanks again however Ben

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Oh and here's another vent - friggin Bing - everytime I create a new Tab in firefox I get this bloody Bing search engine.  I've tried everything I've found online so far to remove it and it won't go!


I'm gonna have to buy a new iMac to get rid of it  lol

Have you got a Firefox ad/pop up blocker extension installed?

You can block it that way.

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Hey Niko,


If your message is there then it sounds like just a diversion issue. Dial the **004*101 # and try calling yourself again.

Hey Ben, thank you for that...P.E.R.F.E.C.T.O. :D 


  worked a treat back to my lovely dulcet tones.   Really appreciate your help on that one.


I will sort out the rest of the families phones... :)

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I'm sick to death of hearing about Schapelle Corby!

Schapelle who?   Oh that Schapelle.....the convicted drug courier who is going to make 3 mill out of her exploits.


The world is %#@&*.   She will probably donate it to a worthy cause though............HA.


Channel 7's C.E.O. or whoever approved this should hang their heads in shame.....They are a disgrace.


And Michael WILLESSEE who it has been suggested is doing the interview, you have lost all credibility as far as I am concerned.


Can't wait to see her head on every women's magazine also....(woops..not that I read those magazines though) 


End of my  VENT.......

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I'm sick to death of hearing about Schapelle Corby!



She should have just bribed them in the first place and saved us all the grief of hearing about it

Thank you!!!

And I couldn't agree more about channel 7. Nothing like tackling the real issues. Jana Wendt eat your heart out.

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I park undercover in a corporate park. A few along , also next to a post , is a guy with a massive new troop carrier , and an older car he parks elsewhere. Sometimes he swaps cars around. The past fortnight , the Toy Otcar was parked in my spot. So , I just parked in his spot. I don't get all emo about these little mistakes , after all he is a senior...


Anyway today he rings up and says "You're parked in my spot. What am I supposed to do , park on top of your PORSCHE?"


I pointed out that there was a bloody huge 4wd parked in MY spot , 3 cars along. His.




Me "Just sayin'..."


Pause . (Sound of glasses case snapping shut)  Him "well , can you come down and swap?"


Me "no , sorry I'm a little busy"


Him "well , what do you want to do then?"


Me "I want to come into work tomorrow morning and park in my spot"


Him "Hmmmfff, grumffle , curse under breath ..."



Wait til old Arfur breaks down perpendicular to his rear bumper one day , and dribbles a little diff oil. Arfur is a senior too.

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I've driven over this bridge countless times over nearly 25 years and this was a first (Please excuse the language. I had a bout of traffic induced Tourette's )

followed by this around the corner

I pulled up next to the second one at the lights and politely asked "wtf were you doing? ". Answer-"just making a left turn (he was turning right) and you're in a Porsche so you must have been going too fast so it's your fault that we almost hit."

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I need to get a dash camera for this exact reason! I had a similar thing in the second video happen to me (we were a line of traffic turning right on a green arrow, and an oncoming car running the red went between me and the car infront of me)

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