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I want to complain about the Porsche sponsored blog called Women with Drive


Basically the whole concept is about spending money on fashion, bags, shoes. According to this blog women with drive evidently spend lots of money their husbands have provided them with!  Other than a few articles with notable female success stories - the rest of it is just pure BS.


To be a woman with drive - seems you need to buy lots of expensive crap!

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LOL Amanda just LOL


it's like this TV thing I saw on Hermes Bags.


They started with the crocodile hunter jumping off a helicopter into the crocodile nest to get the eggs, while using a stick to hold off the angry mummy croc.


Then they went onto the person buying the crocodile skin handbag, and she was going on about how to carry such a bag you must have balls because you have tamed the crocodile.....


Hmmm, don't see needing courage to walk into a shop and buying a bag,


The guy jumping from the helicopter.. well that takes guts. 


The lady walking into the shop?

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I want to complain about the Porsche sponsored blog called Women with Drive


Basically the whole concept is about spending money on fashion, bags, shoes. According to this blog women with drive evidently spend lots of money their husbands have provided them with!  Other than a few articles with notable female success stories - the rest of it is just pure BS.


To be a woman with drive - seems you need to buy lots of expensive crap!


Reminds me of this video:


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Need to get this off my chest after tonight!!



Seriously, who dreams of driving a nissan?







Rant over. 



Hey stop picking on the NISSAN's. :o   


If I was serious I would run my Beloved Bluebird up against you down the strip then we'll see who dreams of driving a NISSAN. :D


Ok, maybe not.... :P  

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Bet your sorry you asked..... :( Purchased it off a little old lady who in turn got it new in 1985.   I have had it for the last 8 years. :) 


Wouldn't pull the skin of a custard but I love it and will never....get rid of it.. :D   


Have to say my Grand kids are not looking forward to getting it..... :( 


They are happy to take the yellow one off me though when the time comes.... :P  funny about that....

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I thought you had a Datsun 180b or something older! But geez that thing looks like it just came out of the dealership. 



Had this one for many years fully restored it myself, now living in NSW, also owned a few 1600's, but hasn't everybody?

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LOL Amanda just LOL


it's like this TV thing I saw on Hermes Bags.


They started with the crocodile hunter jumping off a helicopter into the crocodile nest to get the eggs, while using a stick to hold off the angry mummy croc.


Then they went onto the person buying the crocodile skin handbag, and she was going on about how to carry such a bag you must have balls because you have tamed the crocodile.....


Hmmm, don't see needing courage to walk into a shop and buying a bag,


The guy jumping from the helicopter.. well that takes guts. 


The lady walking into the shop?

Well a Birkin is rather exclusive, so maybe a lady needs guts because she knows they'll mostly not have one in stock? So she has guts due to the constant disappointment.

Clasping at straws with that one aren't I!

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…..need to have guts to tell Hubby how much she paid for a bit of croc skin to hang over her arm…. when she could have bought a Porsche for the same money.

Sorry but thats ridiculous !!

At least if you buy a Porsche, people don't assume it's a fake.

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Niko you dirty ol dog. Does Mrs Niko know you go around asking pretty young girls out to dinner? ;)

All bark and no bite anymore Harvs,

and if I was that way inclined.............. it would be more of the "sharp nanny type" I would be asking out to dinner




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…..need to have guts to tell Hubby how much she paid for a bit of croc skin to hang over her arm…. when she could have bought a Porsche for the same money.


Sorry but thats ridiculous !!


Hmm, buy a hand bag or a 997 ?


tough choice....


you have got to have balls to go with the hand bag.... 


Which has better resale value?

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Young Master-A starts uni again on Monday.

Travels with a Myki concession card which is validated until March-1st each year.

Goes to uni on Monday-3rd and gets new annual form/letter to be presented to the guy at the station to renew yearly concession.

Gets off at the station that afternoon to be told they don't do the paperwork between 5-6pm because they get busy.

Gets there a little earlier the next morning to be told that they don't do the paperwork in the mornings until after 9:30!


Well, Master-A figures he will get off at Southern Cross that morning which is a well equipped and manned station and get it sorted there.

On his way through the ticket inspector pulls him up and asks for his proof of concession. Master-A proceeds to explain why he hasn't got it, that he is literally on the way to the booth to get it sorted and shows him the paperwork from uni that he is about to submit.


Well tough luck Master-A. Mr "Need to get my quota" inspector, does not give a flying F and writes him up!!!!


Master-A tells me that there were more inspectors than normal. Coincidentally uni students started back this week.


So can someone explain what Master-A was meant to do?


He has a concession Myki which technically he can not use until he gets the letter from uni which starts annually on the March-1st.

So should he have bought a new FULL FARE Myki to use that morning for a trip to Southern Cross? Bloody ridiculous!!!!


Oh, and he has no reason to fare evade because I pay for his Myki!!!!!!!!!!!!!




VENT OVER.................

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