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This worked for me as before this ridiculous system. we had this thing called "metcards" And each time you run late, you have no time to buy one. and would buy one at the station you get off at (which makes perfect sense to me as i'm not fare evading!)


Oh and this works for parking tickets too (if the as*hole gives you a ticket while buying one!!)  B)


Write a letter stating your story (the ticket inspector should always jot down your reason why because that's his job) with a copy of your concession letter and your old concession card and proof of using the myki card (if that's possible?)


Worked for me all the time <_< 


I try give the government the minimal amount of money.. I don't see it getting used for anything other then closing off roads and prostitutes... 

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Newspaper job Tman...put that story out there...crazy stuff. Certainly be fighting that one, but a little public exposure might ensure it doesn't go that far and others don't face the same fate.

MYKI .......lots of problems, but staff unwilling to assist just compounds it.

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The inspectors just assume you are a thieving asshole, setting out to defraud the system. You are always guilty!

They really do need to add a softer touch in some circumstances. Master A is a perfect example of where they should be a bit more lenient.

If you are running late to buy a ticket or top up tho, tough... get up earlier! Or suck it up and be late. I don't think that's a valid excuse.

I'm happy to pay for my travels. I use it every single day and honestly, rarely have an issue.

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Well tough luck Master-A. Mr "Need to get my quota" inspector, does not give a flying F and writes him up!!!!

They are complete robots. I know they get a bad rap but it seems to generally be deserved. 

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It's not that Master-A did not pay, he did.


Just paid as a concession. That's all his Myki allows him to do I think.




Gotcha!  My comment about being late to pay wasn't directed at Master-A  :)  as I realised he'd paid  - as I said, that is BS and they could have been more lenient in this regard. 


But for those that are running late and don't top up and therefore have not paid for their trip, IMHO that isn't a valid excuse. You don't put petrol in your car, drive off and come back to pay for it later because you are in a hurry.

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Ticket inspectors are just thugs that let their power inflate their ego, and get off on the power/


Look at this picture, they stuffed the poor guy under a bench, and are kneeling on his neck.


What on earth?



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I try give the government the minimal amount of money.. I don't see it getting used for anything other then closing off  prostitutes... 



Woops..... there go some more hard workers onto the dole. 

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The inspectors just assume you are a thieving asshole, setting out to defraud the system. You are always guilty!



This smacks of the same attitude Citylink took in the early days of e-tag tolls. If you didnt have a tag you were automatically fined. After a lot of public anger and protest they eventually changed to issuing a request for the toll instead of a fine. This is how public transport should operate.  If a traveller is deliberately trying to evade the fare then hit them hard, otherwise give people the benefit of the doubt and an opportunity to pay the correct fare.


As for the heavy handed tactics of inspectors, does the treament really equate to the value of the supposed "crime"? Do you really need to be pinned to the ground when all they need is proof of ID so they can issue an infringement notice?  Have you noticed how they travel in groups of 4? One asks for your ticket, another is next to him, the other two are positioned behind you.  It's extremely intimidating and no surprise that some people react badly in this situation.

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I did a total fail on Tuesday and stopped when the pump clicked.. thought it clicked early.. tried again... click click.




paid and got back in the car.... FAIL... only put in 3/4 tank.




on the way home..... DOH ... jumped $0.20 a liter !

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Dear Mr You Tube,


When I am watching AC DC Live at the River Plate in 2009, and drunk with life and red wine, and drive a smoking Porsche, why would i be interested in ads from Hyundai, or some bollocks sport drink, or a master foods cooking ad.


Oh, FFS, just give me a Whole Lot of Rosie you frogs.

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That my suburb has worse internet than the third world and it COSTS MORE than my last home 24km away and has a fraction of the speed.

To rub it in, the suburb next door has NBN and we were next just as the election arrived. Sometimes this country is embarrassing... I had better internet 12 years ago in Canada for half the price and no DL limits...

Oh. And it's been down all afternoon...

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Get Firefox.

Put on ad-block app.

No more YouTube ads.

Dear Mr You Tube,

When I am watching AC DC Live at the River Plate in 2009, and drunk with life and red wine, and drive a smoking Porsche, why would i be interested in ads from Hyundai, or some bollocks sport drink, or a master foods cooking ad.

Oh, FFS, just give me a Whole Lot of Rosie you frogs.

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I apologise before I start........to you deadly treadly riders out there....




Magnificent day here in Melbourne B) .  

Thought I would give old yella a bit of a run before Canberra, hasn't seen the light of day for about 6 weeks.


Mrs Niko and myself headed off to Sorrento for an Iced coffee and a world famous Vanilla Slice. :D 

(just what I needed because I am fading away to a block of flats) :( 


Thought we would follow the water around the bay to Sorrento on the Esplanade.


Well...from Mt Martha virtually right through to Safety Beach,  


Damn push bikes stacks of the #$%# things ........  


It is a narrow road, with double lines virtually all the way. 


Why would anyone riding a push bike, get enjoyment from riding that road, on such a great day, knowing they are going to be mobile traffic hazards for all the motor bikes and cars that want to enjoy the drive through the bends.  


Results in Pussys, being too scared to pass them, (That is because it is obviously illegal to go over the double lines) and this causes a conga line of a thousand cars and bikes sitting on the same speed as the push bikes as they struggle up the hills.


I know you are entitled to be on the roads etc etc etc...blah blah blah...




Find another #%&*$@ road, one where your life won't be put at risk, :wacko: and one where you don't cause everyone in a motorised vehicle to get soooo peed off because they can't get around you... :angry: (without breaking the law).


Certain roads should have a big sign on them at the start and finish...."NO #$%^##^ PUSH BIKES"


The Esplanade is one of them. 


I actually found this treasure (pictured below) in the back streets of Sorrento, and low and behold, ended up right behind it all the way back along the Esplanade heading home.  


I thought this thing, as lovely as it is, was going to hold me up a tad, but no no no.....


it was fine..it was the push bikes holding us all up again.


Vent over I have just had my meds, and feel a lot better now.




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That is a real shame Niko.

There is NO doubt that with the current laws of two abreast things are getting more frustrating for the drivers and more dangerous for the riders.

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