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The worst thing here was they were riding single file, in ones or twos, and well spread out.


But just not enough room to overtake.


I just don't see the logic in riding your bike where you know it is going to cause a problem, and people are going to toot you as they finally get past you or, yell out a few expletives...How can that be relaxing or fun?


Plenty of roads out there, go find one that doesn't cause (you the rider or the cars around you) problems.


I wasn't out there too speed, I along with every other enthusiast taking advantage of the weather today, just wanted to enjoy the bends at speed limits, without coming around a blind bend and seeing a couple of pushies in front of you.

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My 2c, if it's not registered and insured it has no business being on our roads.

What happens if a cyclist hits us or is the cause of an accident? Does he/she carry insurance.

I've seen a cyclist clean up a pedestrian, broke the poor ladies leg. I bet she was left out of pocket or forced to pursue civil action.

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Just to clarify, and not all cyclists will, but if you join a national or state cycling club you are covered with public liability out to $2m from memory, I have it not that I ride much and believe it should be a must have item, doesn't cost much as comes with a few benefits. As for rego it would be a administrative nightmare so will never happen.

I always have mixed feelings on this subject as I enjoy a good drive and at times ride on the same sorts of roads, one thing with our roads is that the shoulder should be wider to allow breakdowns anyway which in turn would provide a riding area although some cyclists ride road even when there is a good width on the shoulder.

My 2c, if it's not registered and insured it has no business being on our roads.

What happens if a cyclist hits us or is the cause of an accident? Does he/she carry insurance.

I've seen a cyclist clean up a pedestrian, broke the poor ladies leg. I bet she was left out of pocket or forced to pursue civil action.

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Good points Nath, re the club and insurance.

The particular piece of road I am talking about is a mini Great Ocean Road replica.

There is no shoulder to speak of on it, and the very little there is normally has a drop in height from the road surface onto the little bit of gravel shoulder. So in reality there is no escape route should a cyclist require one.

The road is just wide enough to cater for one vehicle traveling in either direction safely, there is just no room to have a push bike thrown into the mix.

This is an example of at least one road that push bikes should not be allowed on, except for organised closed road cycling events, IMHO.

Safety has to take a priority over the wants of bike riders, or make the posted speed 10 or 15 KPH for everyone. I don't think so...

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Good points Nath, re the club and insurance.

The particular piece of road I am talking about is a mini Great Ocean Road replica.

There is no shoulder to speak of on it, and the very little there is normally has a drop in height from the road surface onto the little bit of gravel shoulder. So in reality there is no escape route should a cyclist require one.

The road is just wide enough to cater for one vehicle traveling in either direction safely, there is just no room to have a push bike thrown into the mix.

This is an example of at least one road that push bikes should not be allowed on, except for organised closed road cycling events, IMHO.

Safety has to take a priority over the wants of bike riders, or make the posted speed 10 or 15 KPH for everyone. I don't think so...

We are absolutely inundated with the rotten things up here in the hills, the bus drivers are petrified of killing them as they can`t get past safely, the last three weekend in a  row  I have seen ambulances attending to three separate lycra incidents.I have found that laying on the horn if they are not single file and over as far as possible works an absolute treat. If the finger is deployed I double down on the horn until safe passage is granted .  100% success rate.

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We are absolutely inundated with the rotten things up here in the hills, the bus drivers are petrified of killing them as they can`t get past safely, the last three weekend in a  row  I have seen ambulances attending to three separate lycra incidents.I have found that laying on the horn if they are not single file and over as far as possible works an absolute treat. If the finger is deployed I double down on the horn until safe passage is granted .  100% success rate.

Certainly don't want this to turn into an "us and them" arguement, and I realise we have a number of cyclist here, however I have seen exactly what Steve is referring to on the way to his place. I was stuck behind a bus and there was no way the driver was going to risk overtaking.

Huge problem with no immediate solution.

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Thanks OZ, that is it perfectly explained.   My argument eggsacory!   


I do admit on the way back from Safety bay where you are heading back towards Mornington (to the right in this image) there is enough shoulder run off in most places should the bike need it, but there still is a height distance though most times between the road surface and the gravel.


But going that way that you have posted heading towards Safety bay is diabolical.   You can imagine once the bends start appearing it gets worse.


Just crazy, the road is not bike friendly and as such they should be kept off it...or use their own nouse and find somewhere safer to ride.


It was a hell of a lot worse yesterday, because it was such a great day for a drive and obviously for a bike ride.


Thanks for posting that..

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Niko unfortunately it would not matter what road we bike riders rode on you will still get idiots blowing horns and yelling abuse.


BTW blowing your horn at a bike rider does nothing but scare the shit out of you and is frankly quiet a dangerous thing to do.


Cyclists rely a lot on hearing to know what is coming from behind. I have ridden on the road since 1987 and have always been courteous to fellow motorists (we drive to you know) and I know that there are ratbag cyclists as well as motorists.


I have been involved in countless road rage incidents mostly from motorists but also trucks and buses, while I have been following the road rules, I have also had everything from mcdonalds drinks, bottles, fruit and once a water melon which could have killed me in the hunter valley if I had fallen from my bike, I road raced competitively for 16 years and I can honestly say I always obeyed the road rules along with the group of people I road with.


This debate will go on forever, I agree with you Niko, find a better road to train on or enjoy, please remember it's fun to do the twisty downhills on a pushy too.


All the abuse and horn blowing won't get you anywhere, you might think it does but it won't, do it to me and I'm in the middle of the road, find the best way around you can.


Sorry if I offend anyone, it's not intended.

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Its kind of like the driver that abuses pedestrians for holding his/her progress by walking out onto pedestrian crossings, but once out of the car they abuse the cars for not stopping for them as pedestrians.


I think the issue here is not so much the bikes v cars, its the road that doesn't accommodate them both safely

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Fully agree Tingy with your qualified and prior experience comments, my beef just being that some roads are just not suitable for bike riders and this is definitely one of them.  


I'm not trying to blame the cyclists as such, but they (on this road) are really putting themselves at risk by both cars (lots of visiting tourists also using it and are unfamiliar with it) and of course the sort of people who spit the dummy completely and throw stuff etc.


Maybe just have certain times of the day where bikes can use it and other times where it should be cars etc only.


This is not the type of road your likely to come across little Johny riding his Malvern Star Dragster on, just the guys and girls that take their riding seriously.


Yep your also right that different views could go on forever and it really is a contentious issue for all concerned.

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Its kind of like the driver that abuses pedestrians for holding his/her progress by walking out onto pedestrian crossings, but once out of the car they abuse the cars for not stopping for them as pedestrians.

Yep. Just remember. A motorist is a pedestrian just looking for somewhere to park.

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Quote from Tingy: Cyclists rely a lot on hearing to know what is coming from behind. 


I quite agree, since rear view mirrors on a pushy disappeared with my childhood.  Another hazard developing for the on road bipeddlers is the advent of the electric car……no noise.

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If everyone rode bikes there would be plenty of room on the road  :)


But But.


Picture this.


it's Sunday, I am at the local bike path.


My 7 year old is wobbling around on her bike, she just upsized and wasn't that confident on the new bike.


A lycra cyclist approaches us, does he slow down for the wobbling kid? and she was doing the full one side to the next wobble, No he rides by at full speed not slowing down or giving her more room or anything.


Good grief, it won't hurt him to slow down a bit, he almost took her out!

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