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But But.

Picture this.

it's Sunday, I am at the local bike path.

My 7 year old is wobbling around on her bike, she just upsized and wasn't that confident on the new bike.

A lycra cyclist approaches us, does he slow down for the wobbling kid? and she was doing the full one side to the next wobble, No he rides by at full speed not slowing down or giving her more room or anything.

Good grief, it won't hurt him to slow down a bit, he almost took her out!

I see this all the time on the shared pedestrian/bike path next to my place. It's not just kids on bikes that get run off the path. Too often I have been nearly cleaned up by a cyclist approaching at speed while I walk my dogs. There are some that signal with either the bell or a quick shout to let you know they are passing. These cyclists are not the problem and are always thanked for their courtesy. What really annoys me are those that refuse to slow for anything. Slowing down reduces the risk to all on a busy path and also gives walkers/dogs/wobbly kids a chance to move aside. The worst offenders are the commuter cyclists heading to from work.

Whether its roads or paths, the problem seems to be an attitude of "FU I'm more important" from both motorists and lycranauts which is causing the angst.

Perhaps a solution for bike vs. car road ragers is to confiscate the bikes and make them walk, and take the cars and give them an impounded bike to see how it is from the other side.

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Ive been taught to respect the road and who ever else is on it.


If they don't respect me back with a courtesy wave/thanks/thumb up. I'll be sticking my finger up and it wont be my thumb or pointing at anything. 


This goes towards cyclists, (only ever encountered a couple of idiots)

Idiots who do 80 in the right lane on the freeway. (those guys get the double, some times triple treatment.) First it's the highbeams signalling for the guy in front to change lanes. If that doesn't work. Horn.. If that doesn't work. I'll need to over take on the left (which is illegal to under take in the right lane for the other driver) and flip them the bird for annoying me. (i rarely do that though, usually just shake my head at them) 


More annoyed at motorists on their phone!!! 

get a damn bluetooth headset. Don't have one? your sons xbox or ps3 headset works!


If i became a cop. Id circle the freeways and start handing out tickets to people who don't leave the right lane. talk about gaining revenue ;)

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Whether its roads or paths, the problem seems to be an attitude of "FU I'm more important" from both motorists and lycranauts which is causing the angst.

Perhaps a solution for bike vs. car road ragers is to confiscate the bikes and make them walk, and take the cars and give them an impounded bike to see how it is from the other side.


This man speaks sense.


I have a 10 year old son.  I'm trying to instil in him the philosophical concept known as "the golden rule".  That's a high falutin' way of saying "Treat others the way you'd like to be treated."  It's not a fail safe, as Oscar Wilde famously remarked, tastes differ.  But a bit of empathy is a sure way to avoid being evil.  Or a douchebag.


Sadly, this simple concept, which makes sense to a 10 year old kid, seems to be an enormous novelty to many so-called adults.

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Ive been taught to respect the road and who ever else is on it.


If they don't respect me back with a courtesy wave/thanks/thumb up. I'll be sticking my finger up and it wont be my thumb or pointing at anything. 


This goes towards cyclists, (only ever encountered a couple of idiots)

Idiots who do 80 in the right lane on the freeway. (those guys get the double, some times triple treatment.) First it's the highbeams signalling for the guy in front to change lanes. If that doesn't work. Horn.. If that doesn't work. I'll need to over take on the left (which is illegal to under take in the right lane for the other driver) and flip them the bird for annoying me. (i rarely do that though, usually just shake my head at them) 


More annoyed at motorists on their phone!!! 

get a damn bluetooth headset. Don't have one? your sons xbox or ps3 headset works!


If i became a cop. Id circle the freeways and start handing out tickets to people who don't leave the right lane. talk about gaining revenue ;)



Hey! :(



I think you need to drink less 'douchebagjuice' it'll calm you down a bit!



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You mainlanders are an antsy bunch  :)

The sun shines out of the arse of my state. Even though we are 5 days prior  to erecting a further 3 years of parliamentary dunderheads  :wub:  

 bet you will be glad to see the end of that election.... :D 

The only blight on your magnificent Island was all the election posters stuck up on every mountain, tree, boat, front yard, Tasmanian Tiger, kangaroos (usually dead on the side of the road) back yard hotel etc etc..... :o



Antsy Niko

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But But.


Picture this.


it's Sunday, I am at the local bike path.


My 7 year old is wobbling around on her bike, she just upsized and wasn't that confident on the new bike.


A lycra cyclist approaches us, does he slow down for the wobbling kid? and she was doing the full one side to the next wobble, No he rides by at full speed not slowing down or giving her more room or anything.


Good grief, it won't hurt him to slow down a bit, he almost took her out!


Make you want to reach out and touch someone doesn't It ?………….or just grab the front brake as they go passed ?

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You mainlanders are an antsy bunch  :)

The sun shines out of the arse of my state. Even though we are 5 days prior  to erecting a further 3 years of parliamentary dunderheads  :wub:  


We may seem "antsy" to Taswegians, but that's only cos we're bigger and got more to whinge about  :P  :P


After watching the Bolt report the other night, the attitude towards the forest is a real worry……

"I love a sunburnt country…….." :(

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Here's todays one


Arguing with someone on rennlist because his giving the OP poor advice to solve his boosting issue. 


The idiot is claiming he knows how the factory wastegate works, and is arguing with a few of us that we're wrong


I've posted a diagram and explained it. He still things i'm wrong.


I'm getting heated over a damn wastegate... To much of that douchbagjuice i think LOL :P

But really all i want is the OP to get the right information because he's having problems not boosting over a specific boost pressure.

and he does have a nicely build engine, don't want that going down south over some idiots theories that wastegates cannot open under back pressure.  

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I hate dealing with car sales people ,, sorry no offence to anyone who is in the industry. Went in to look at a new Corolla to update my little run around, went for a drive, no pressure. Guy I was dealing with was really good. Came to the final price with a trade factored in, I wasn't expecting much but seriously $1600 trade for an TK barina with only 50 k on the clock.  So no new runabout for me.

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I hate dealing with car sales people ,, sorry no offence to anyone who is in the industry. Went in to look at a new Corolla to update my little run around, went for a drive, no pressure. Guy I was dealing with was really good. Came to the final price with a trade factored in, I wasn't expecting much but seriously $1600 trade for an TK barina with only 50 k on the clock.  So no new runabout for me.


They try to get it the cheapest price possible. 


not sure what year yours is or the condition. But a bog standard 05 TK that was $12,990 brand new with 150,000k on the clock should be 3k trade in. 

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Mine has 50 000 k on the clock and is an 06 TK Barina. I was expecting a figure of around 3 - 4 seeing private sales are up around 5 k with over 100 000 ks on the clock. I guess just Townsville and Corolla Ascent sport on special for 21k drive away.

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But But.


Picture this.


it's Sunday, I am at the local bike path.


My 7 year old is wobbling around on her bike, she just upsized and wasn't that confident on the new bike.


A lycra cyclist approaches us, does he slow down for the wobbling kid? and she was doing the full one side to the next wobble, No he rides by at full speed not slowing down or giving her more room or anything.


Good grief, it won't hurt him to slow down a bit, he almost took her out!

I can't speak for the inconsiderate individual that happened to be riding a bike but can offer some coaching for your daughter in a safe environment with other children if your interested? I do coaching on Wednesday nights with kids from 4-12 yo and will ensure your daughter gets rid of those wobbles! (Wheelies and skids are optional advances).
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Oh she rides fine, we have a huge netball court thing near our house, 8 netball courts in a group, so when they don't play netball it's an ideal learning bicycle riding area.


We are transitioning from riding bikes around a huge flat area to bike paths, and she's not super confident, or capable, so I get annoyed and worried when people insist on not giving her room, and pass her going 40 kmh.


In this instance she just got wobbly when she started from a standstill and I was shouting at her to stop as I saw this guy coming very fast, but she didn't and the other guy didn't either and it was too close for comfort.


it's not a race track ! and it's Sunday, and a shared bike path etc etc.

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Mine has 50 000 k on the clock and is an 06 TK Barina. I was expecting a figure of around 3 - 4 seeing private sales are up around 5 k with over 100 000 ks on the clock. I guess just Townsville and Corolla Ascent sport on special for 21k drive away.


That would be very easy to sell privately. I know ti's a hassle but worth it at the end with the money in hand, and the car driving away!

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What pissed me off this morning, went to put lunch in the work fridge and there was no room. So, while taking out some of the Crown Lagers to make room, one that wasn't stacked in very well fell out. Landed flat on it's bum and the top popped off nicely then said Crown Lager made itself a new home all over me! And to top it off I had to clean up. AND I don't even drink so NOT HAPPY! 

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Got to work early to get some stuff done quietly before everyone got in. Wife called me for us to find out I had both garage door openers.

So she tried to open it manually and ended up smashing a light bulb all over the top of the (black) car!

So. I surrender my pole position parking spot and drive 35 min home. Spend 30 min carefully picking glass off the car.

Just got back to work At ten am. Awesome.

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After all this debate about cyclists on roads, I watched this program the other night on 8 Win (I think..), and it was about this very issue. It was one of those sensationalist programs which show graphic footage with not much insight, but what I took away from it was that this is very much a world wide issue and not confined to Aus.

There were some terrible acts of road rage and one particularly horrific incident in Brazil.

I think this issue is like Isreal and the West Bank... It will never be solved and no will ever see the others point of view.

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