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After all this debate about cyclists on roads, I watched this program the other night on 8 Win (I think..), and it was about this very issue. It was one of those sensationalist programs which show graphic footage with not much insight, but what I took away from it was that this is very much a world wide issue and not confined to Aus.

There were some terrible acts of road rage and one particularly horrific incident in Brazil.

I think this issue is like Isreal and the West Bank... It will never be solved and no will ever see the others point of view.

I have ridden in a lot of other countries and would say Australia is particularily bad. Many countries rely on bicycles and would be doomed if they were to be replaced by cars. It's one of those issues that makes me sad and I still find it hard to understand how and why people get so mad about it.

I always think of this quote by H G Wells;

"Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer dispair for the future of the human race"

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Hugh, people get so mad about it because cyclists are taken as an "out group".  Those others who aren't like "us".  


It's always easy to disparage those whom you have decided are fundamentally different to you.  


In a way it's similar to non-P motorists refusing to let a Porsche into the traffic or tailgating them.  By driving a Porsche you stand out as different, and assumptions are made.

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I have ridden in a lot of other countries and would say Australia is particularily bad. Many countries rely on bicycles and would be doomed if they were to be replaced by cars. It's one of those issues that makes me sad and I still find it hard to understand how and why people get so mad about it.

I always think of this quote by H G Wells;

"Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer dispair for the future of the human race"

I don`t think people get mad at cyclists as a matter of course, I know that I don`t. I personally get mad at cyclists that go out of their way to hold up traffic,and there absolutely no doubt that the pack mentality makes them feel invincible and that they do this. Cyclists obeying the road rules don`t even register on my radar.

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an inconsiderate person will be inconsiderate no matter what he/she are driving at that moment.


i.e. inconsiderate driver = inconsiderate rider.


As usual it's the idiotic minority that's the issue.


And Aus is making a transition from a car culture to a bicycle culture and it's a period of unsettled transition as the roads and other infrastructure is yet to catch up.

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Carrera Cup at the GP.  I was hoping to get some merchandise like a shirt or hat to fly the P flag and there was NOTHING for sale at Albert Park. The only thing on offer was a free poster from one of the teams which would not have survived a day in the back pack.  Not even Porsche online store has anything. 

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Posters who obviously have more money than sense.


Posters who don't read the information or links that you give them to help them on their way AND then ask the same question again. 


Posters who want a risk free decision made for them.  Hasn't anyone heard of the saying "Fortune favours the bold" or "Making your own luck"? 


Posters who disparage the choices of others.  Some 911 owners in particular stagger me with their lack of self awareness and don't realise what a complete wanker they sound.


Posters who insist on posting EVERY thought.  Frankly most of my thoughts, well truthfully 99.999%, aren't that interesting, what makes you think yours are any better? 


Posters who insist everything is a competition. If you want to die without friends and hated by your family, then go right ahead, but really, is having the most, the biggest or the fastest really that important?











Wow!  Someone obviously needs to go back to bed.......

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LOL!  Stephen I was actually applying some self reflection after reviewing what I had just written.  I've gone and started pressure bleeding some brakes and am feeling much better thanks!


PS:  Always keen to go for a drive with you.  We need to start planning the next Newcastle SMT!

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Poster's who obviously have more money than sense.


Poster's who don't read the information or links that you give them to help them on their way AND then ask the same question again. 


Poster's who want a risk free decision made for them.  Hasn't anyone heard of the saying "Fortune favours the bold" or "Making your own luck"? 


Poster's who disparage the choices of others.  Some 911 owners in particular stagger me with their lack of self awareness and don't realise what a complete wanker they sound.


Poster's who insist on posting EVERY thought.  Frankly most of my thoughts, well truthfully 99.999%, aren't that interesting, what makes you think yours are any better? 


Poster's who insist everything is a competition. If you want to die without friends and hated by your family, then go right ahead, but really, is having the most, the biggest or the fastest really that important?











Wow!  Someone obviously needs to go back to bed.......



How about:


Posters who are v grumpy?


or else


Posters who don't yet get the difference between the plural (Posters) and the possessive (Poster's)

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Watching the Aussie F1 GP and Channel 10/One HD has shown one Carrera Cup race over the whole weekend. But, they have had loads of interviews with crappy Channel 10 TV celebs talking drivel....


Correction. They showed 3/4 of a race. 6 of 8 laps with an ad break squeezed in.
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Carrera Cup at the GP.  I was hoping to get some merchandise like a shirt or hat to fly the P flag and there was NOTHING for sale at Albert Park. The only thing on offer was a free poster from one of the teams which would not have survived a day in the back pack.  Not even Porsche online store has anything.

I was on the Carrera Cup website looking for merch yesterday and there wasn't any either. I was surprised as I thought this would be a money spinner - they must want you to visit a P dealer so you can buy a new 911 you didn't know you were going to buy :P whilst buying a hat!

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Race day is s huge $$$ day for the teams. I recall a few years ago when I was at HSV, a race weekend would sell at least 2 full truck loads of HRT gear. I'm talking 18 wheeler trucks. We joked that the cars were only there to get people to buy a hat.

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on the topic of cyclists and cars, watch this video, made me feel sick.




Probably not a good road for the cyclist to be on 

It looked very dangerous.

Wonder who was driving a small Audi A3.

Proves the fact that two stupid people can get themselves into lots of trouble very easily when they they are in proximity of each other.


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my work colleague was sitting, stopped, at the lights on his BMW motorcycle, a car came up behind him and ran right into him. His bike flew across the intersection and embedded itself into the car on the other side,


He was thrown backwards onto the bonnet of the car that ran into him.


Yeah he gave up bikes after that one.

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Neil (I can fix everything) MITCHELL -_-  had the bike /car dilemma as an opener this morning on 3AW.  


He has jumped onto what was the original post here in VENT on this subject and wants certain streets and roads banned for bikes.


I don't have a lot of time for NM, but will be interesting to see what generates from it.


He asked for people to contact him with places where bikes should be banned from.


Unfortunately I was busy cleaning the Box for ACT and missed a lot of the suggestions.


So...there you go......you hear it all first here on the PFA..... :P

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