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The more cyclists there are on roads, the more space there is for cars.


Is this true though? Princes Bridge Melb used to be 2 lanes a side, then they took away one whole lane to make it a bike lane.


So less room for cars?

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Orion, without knowing Princes Bridge, it seems that the issue there is a combination of a relatively small number of cyclists, coupled with the removal of a lane.


Where I was heading that a bike takes less space than a car.  From what I've read, in places where motorists and cyclists co-exist, it is not necessary to slice off part of the road network and say "Right, this belongs to pushies."


Sloganeering, whether it's of the "ban bikes from roads" or the "more bikes are good for motorists" over-simplifies.

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I'll just leave this here:





The more cyclists there are on roads, the more space there is for cars.

Not to mention we are now also the worlds fattest country  :ph34r:  :(


(Wonder how much Neil Mitchell weighs?  :P)

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^^^ to clarify, people should be encouraged to ride bikes to work etc. is all I'm saying :)


The comment is not intended to be taken personally - just another side to the never ending debate! 


You know how I feel about you Niko............. :wub:  :ph34r:  :D

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Yeah come Neil, lets ban pedestrians from crossing the road at marked crossings as well so they don't stop the traffic, how about banning vehicles from some of the lanes at peak hour so that cyclists can have a lane to themselves, how would that go?


What about a little more patience when dealing with cyclists, it will only cost you a few seconds.


I was going to stay out of this but there are so many stupid comments it's not even funny anymore :angry:

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Anyone who has been to Holland will know about their bicycles.   Everybody there has one,two or even three bikes.  They leave them at train stations like we leave cars. Cycle, train, cycle to get to your work and home again.   The roads are designed for them with separate bike lanes. The problem of allowing for a slow moving bike on a fast road is negated. This applies to pedestrians too. Walk on the bike lane at your peril. Most drivers are also cyclists, so each others' situation is understood. They have developed a practical solution which mostly removes the car vs. bike issue.  

Our short sighted governments could learn a lot from their example. Unfortunately, most politicians are too weak to just get it done properly for fear of losing votes. They would rather get behind a big corporate funded project like a tunnel or bridge so they can showcase their achievements.  Instead we are left with half-arsed painted lanes and ill-thought out public awareness campaigns for changing driver/rider behaviour.

I think the public discussion is good as it pressures the pollies into taking notice. Maybe one day soon we will have decent public transport and a safer road environment to enable us to commute to work in a healthier fashion and leave the driving for Sunday mornings.  I'm not holding my breathe.  

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how the hell can a 20 year old HR person determine I don't know what I have been doing successfully I might add for 25 years with out a diploma, what is wrong with the younger generation :angry:

oh yeh i didn't get the job

Vent Over

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Gum chewers, when I'm talking to someone and they insist on chewing at warp speed and slopping their chops together and the gum is going around their mouth faster than a spin cycle on a washing machine, sorry but I don't want to see it, least of all hear it while I'm chatting, can't they just tuck it under the tongue for a few secs.

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Friday i was heading to my cousins house to pick him to meet the other cousins for dinner at Lygon st

(Enter wog joke here)  <_<


On my commute there, i hit some traffic. It started to make me run a little late, So when it cleared up i sat (as what my speedo says) at the speed limit. There's always that slow guy slowing everyone down. There was a middle aged fella in a WRX doing 7ks under so i went to over take him.

Indicated right, get in the right lane.. Oh what do you know. He's sped up. how much faster? At least 30ks over the limit!! 

Coudn't work out why. Went back in the left lane and made my.

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Idiot in a GTI (older model) that I was half a car in front of when the 2 lanes merged closed up on the guy in front so I had to let him go by, THEN proceeded to drive at 55 in a 60.


Later, just for fun not really a vent, at traffic lights I had one of those "heay mate we have an extra surround sound system in the van, do you want to buy it".

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Ok so I washed my car yesterday. I use a 3 bucket system and good quality wash mitt and use a soft microfibre towel to dry. I arrived at the coffee and cars meet this morning, the sun was out and I was horrifed to see holograms and fine scratches all over the car. Aaaarrrgghhh WTF! Really dont feel like spending the rest of the day polishing my car. Time for a Whiskey.

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