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My 135i was 'monaco blue'....tantamount to black...


Our mini is black...and that's not because we were looking for a black mini...


Anyway...unless you're Larry Kosilla, a black car without spider-webs is going to be a tough ask.


(I also wasn't looking for a white porsche, but I'm happy it is now... :P )

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Woman in Centrelink gives my newly 22 yo son a hard time (actual disbelief) because he (nor my family) doesn't register on their computer ; my family have taken nothing from the government in this regard...though we've paid massive wads of tax to help the needy over 30 years.


He's just wanting some (eligible) assistance as he pursues a higher degree and perhaps he can then afford to leave home.

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Woman in Centrelink gives my newly 22 yo son a hard time (actual disbelief) because he (nor my family) doesn't register on their computer ; my family have taken nothing from the government in this regard...though we've paid massive wads of tax to help the needy over 30 years.


He's just wanting some (eligible) assistance as he pursues a higher degree and perhaps he can then afford to leave home.


I was on the phone to them not long ago. i hate calling them up. 

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Could not agree more, it's not that hard to figure out!

Let's see. Indicate right,.but goes straight. How about No indicator, turn right

But my favourite is enter the roundabout with a right indicator, get just in the middle and indicate left and proceed straight.

These are on roundabouts the size of a small suburban street, not bloody Paris

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Let's see. Indicate right,.but goes straight. How about No indicator, turn right

But my favourite is enter the roundabout with a right indicator, get just in the middle and indicate left and proceed straight.

These are on roundabouts the size of a small suburban street, not bloody Paris


Then you have the Sydney guys doing hook turns :P

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Black cars and OCD don't mix...


Or laziness - I look at a black car and I break out in a sweat wondering how often I'd have to wash the bloody thing because it would always look dirty. So is that lazy or OCD?  I'm not sure now that I think about it.


I drove an awesome Black MINI that I'd love to have bought - but it's black and I'm scared of black.

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It's not the washing, so much as the detailing...blemishes expose themselves so much more quicker in a black car...


Or laziness - I look at a black car and I break out in a sweat wondering how often I'd have to wash the bloody thing because it would always look dirty. So is that lazy or OCD?  I'm not sure now that I think about it.


I drove an awesome Black MINI that I'd love to have bought - but it's black and I'm scared of black.

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Or laziness - I look at a black car and I break out in a sweat wondering how often I'd have to wash the bloody thing because it would always look dirty. So is that lazy or OCD? I'm not sure now that I think about it.

Not lazy. It just shows that you care. I had a car which I had repainted in black. Heartbreaking when you see the first marks in it. Never again.

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Talk about cyclists. Man the inconsideration on the roads! Usually most are good. Not these 2. Going up the mountains, we've got 2 of them, not on the left.. no, in the middle. How many cars behind them including me? Well honestly i couldn't see where the line finished at. more then 10 at the least!!! drove past many sports the could have pulled over at to let us through. 


Oh a good note, guys in caravans ect know how to pull over :)

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I swore to myself I wouldnt post here again, but....


I needed to overhaul all of my calipers, so I bought the seals etc and gave them to a guy I know that is a very good old school mechanic.

Well that was just before Christmas, and I've FINALLY got them back after 4 weeks of constant phone calls and crap excuses 'I've been very busy'.


When I picked them up on Friday, they havent even been painted as I asked, and his excuse? 'I ran out of time'! HA!!

THEN he wanted to charge me an extra $100 coz they were a pain in the arse to pull apart!!


What part of sex and travel don't you understand mate? I should be getting charged at all!


It's really no wonder some of these goons that run a small business go bust, yet expect us to feel sorry for them 'Oh it's so hard out there'!


I have no sympathy whatsoever when paying clients are treated this way. Bloody hopeless


End of rant, thanks

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They're the same everywhere. My decklid has been getting painted for three weeks and still not done...

Lots of excuses. People sick. Air disasters. Bad weather in Europe. Solar flares. Bla bla bla...

I swore to myself I wouldnt post here again, but....

I needed to overhaul all of my calipers, so I bought the seals etc and gave them to a guy I know that is a very good old school mechanic.

Well that was just before Christmas, and I've FINALLY got them back after 4 weeks of constant phone calls and crap excuses 'I've been very busy'.

When I picked them up on Friday, they havent even been painted as I asked, and his excuse? 'I ran out of time'! HA!!

THEN he wanted to charge me an extra $100 coz they were a pain in the arse to pull apart!!

What part of sex and travel don't you understand mate? I should be getting charged at all!

It's really no wonder some of these goons that run a small business go bust, yet expect us to feel sorry for them 'Oh it's so hard out there'!

I have no sympathy whatsoever when paying clients are treated this way. Bloody hopeless

End of rant, thanks

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Do it yourself and then the only person to blame for delay and price is...

Brakes are one thing I won't have a go at Taz. Tried it once as a povo privateer on a Superbike to cut costs and had 'brake dramas' trying to stop at 240kph! Wasnt fun I can telya that!

I swore that day I'd never touch brakes again!!


I'll try and stay away Harvs  ;)

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Young Master-A starts uni again on Monday.

Travels with a Myki concession card which is validated until March-1st each year.

Goes to uni on Monday-3rd and gets new annual form/letter to be presented to the guy at the station to renew yearly concession.

Gets off at the station that afternoon to be told they don't do the paperwork between 5-6pm because they get busy.

Gets there a little earlier the next morning to be told that they don't do the paperwork in the mornings until after 9:30!


Well, Master-A figures he will get off at Southern Cross that morning which is a well equipped and manned station and get it sorted there.

On his way through the ticket inspector pulls him up and asks for his proof of concession. Master-A proceeds to explain why he hasn't got it, that he is literally on the way to the booth to get it sorted and shows him the paperwork from uni that he is about to submit.


Well tough luck Master-A. Mr "Need to get my quota" inspector, does not give a flying F and writes him up!!!!


Master-A tells me that there were more inspectors than normal. Coincidentally uni students started back this week.


So can someone explain what Master-A was meant to do?


He has a concession Myki which technically he can not use until he gets the letter from uni which starts annually on the March-1st.

So should he have bought a new FULL FARE Myki to use that morning for a trip to Southern Cross? Bloody ridiculous!!!!


Oh, and he has no reason to fare evade because I pay for his Myki!!!!!!!!!!!!!




VENT OVER.................

Master-A had a letter from the Department Of Transport (AKA "The department of ridiculously unreasonable public servants") which contained a fine for $220 pertaining to the quoted event.

He is currently penning a letter, pleading them to understand the circumstances which led to the fine. This could have been easily resolved with the inspector reviewing things at the time.

I sometimes wonder where common sense has gone!

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I got pulled over today for a speeding ticket, whilst waiting for the police officer to process the ticket I noticed about 5 or 6 tickets spitting out of his machine, then he was on his phone, then more tickets ?!? I am thinking wtf maybe his machine is playing up and it's my lucky day.....


So the officer finally returns to my vehicle with a fist full of tickets and asks "are you aware of the registration status of this vehicle ?" To which I replied "huh?"..

He then informs me that my rego expired a month ago!

"WHAT? How is that possible" I say, "I always pay my bills on time"

Anyway he leaves me with the fines and informs me that I must call and get the car registered before moving it.

So I called the local roads authority to find out what's going on.

They inform me that my address has a block on it...? Now I am really confused and ask what that means. They inform me that the last correspondence had been returned to sender, so the system halts all mail to the address. I inform her I have lived at this address for over 8years, surely there's some mistake.

I asked what the correspondence was, after a pause she informs me it was my renewal papers for registration.... DUH!

A couple of years ago Canberra went sticker less for rego, so how was I supposed to know my vehicle was unregistered?

Hmmmmmmmmmm... Vent over

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