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I am thinking a quite military strike by one of the quick reaction forces, get in, get the girls, fade away into the background, let the nigerian gov take the credit.


not a whole scale change the country thing as that's just impossible.


I would say the last successful occupation of a country would be General McArthur's occupation of Japan after WW2. The rest has been disasters.

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QUOTE...From one of the  BOKO HARAM kidnappers     


BBS News is saying there's a 'specialist US military team' on the ground - so some Navy Seals practicing HALO jumps?



Quote from one of the foot soldiers of the Boko Haram Kidnappers....."I gotta bad feelin about this one Sarge!" :wacko:  

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In the last two months I've been back and forth between Perth and Margaret River more times than I care to think about.

On three occasions now I have seen drivers occupying (read blocking) the right hand overtaking lane. And more importantly these are the sections of road designated for overtaking on a single carriageway.

I just don't see how anyone can be that ignorant; that your driving along with cars in front and behind and when the road opens up to two lanes you pull out to overtake but then don't overtake and just drive next to the guy to your left!

A few days ago I saw a car do this twice on consecutive overtaking sections. I saw a gap on the left and passed there. Only after I did this I saw them move to the left lane..

The last night driving to Perth I see a car pulled over and it's right hand indicator comes on. No other cars around and the car is still 150m away so I change to the right lane to give them room to pull out. They pull out straight into the right lane. On a 110km/h highway. WA drivers, I swear....

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In the last two months I've been back and forth between Perth and Margaret River more times than I care to think about.

On three occasions now I have seen drivers occupying (read blocking) the right hand overtaking lane. And more importantly these are the sections of road designated for overtaking on a single carriageway.

I just don't see how anyone can be that ignorant; that your driving along with cars in front and behind and when the road opens up to two lanes you pull out to overtake but then don't overtake and just drive next to the guy to your left!

A few days ago I saw a car do this twice on consecutive overtaking sections. I saw a gap on the left and passed there. Only after I did this I saw them move to the left lane..

The last night driving to Perth I see a car pulled over and it's right hand indicator comes on. No other cars around and the car is still 150m away so I change to the right lane to give them room to pull out. They pull out straight into the right lane. On a 110km/h highway. WA drivers, I swear....



I hear ya !!

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I just don't see how anyone can be that ignorant; that your driving along with cars in front and behind and when the road opens up to two lanes you pull out to overtake but then don't overtake and just drive next to the guy to your left!

I blame the advent of modern cruise control for this one. People just put their brains into neutral and stop looking around, totally unaware of their surrounds.

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Why isn't that campaign from the 80's "Keep Left" not back on the tele?

….because we are saying "thank you"…….. for putting more mobile radars on the road


oh!….my mistake…..Safety Cameras.

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What I hate is... people who travel at 90 kmh in a 100 zone because it's just one lane.


Then the moment there's an overtaking lane they zoom off to 110 kmh, cause gee there's now 2 lanes and they feel they can go faster.


Just makes it impossible to overtake them without going way faster then the speed limit... all the while aware that the Fuzz is waiting up ahead with the radar gun.

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What I hate is... people who travel at 90 kmh in a 100 zone because it's just one lane.


Then the moment there's an overtaking lane they zoom off to 110 kmh, cause gee there's now 2 lanes and they feel they can go faster.


Just makes it impossible to overtake them without going way faster then the speed limit... all the while aware that the Fuzz is waiting up ahead with the radar gun.



So true !!    What's worse is it happens all the time when I'm in my Hiace diesel work van. The morons will always sit at 10kmh or less below the speed limit and then I end up with a train of cars behind me, but when it comes to the overtaking lane (Always usually slightly uphill) off the moron zooms back to the speed limit. Then as I try and overtake by revving the guts out the van to get past, which takes for ever, I'm looked at as the moron cos I'm only just slowly creeping past the original idiot before the overtaking lane runs out and no one else gets through.



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The inconsiderate c#$k who mows the lawns next door then fires up his petrol blower and blows clippings and dirt across my driveway and car. 


I would really love to strangle the bloke!


Sweep up all the clippings and then put them in his mail box.  That'll teach him !!!  Haha  :lol:

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Sweep up all the clippings and then put them in his mail box.  That'll teach him !!!  Haha  :lol:


I would but it's a tradie not the owner of the house doing it. If I ever catch him in the act he'll get an ear-full

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I would but it's a tradie not the owner of the house doing it. If I ever catch him in the act he'll get an ear-full

I love peoples who think is good social policy to blow their crap on you to make 'clean'.  I fix one last year.  Simple; be obvious to take picture of idiot man doing it, then tell him you speak with local council and also bonus to break his legs.  Usually one or other will worked.

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The inconsiderate c#$k who mows the lawns next door then fires up his petrol blower and blows clippings and dirt across my driveway and car. 


I would really love to strangle the bloke!

Phew....thank the Gods you live in Sydney, I thought you were talking about me.... :P


I love peoples who think is good social policy to blow their crap on you to make 'clean'.  I fix one last year.  Simple; be obvious to take picture of idiot man doing it, then tell him you speak with local council and also bonus to break his legs.  Usually one or other will worked.

Uh Oh..... :wacko:

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