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I am at the light, Red light for me, turn left arrow for the left lane.


Cars go, car beside me doesn't go... I look left. 


Yup he's texting or Facebook or whatever on his phone.


Cars behind him finally honk, he looks up and go.


How many people are looking on their phones while driving?

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I am at the light, Red light for me, turn left arrow for the left lane.

Cars go, car beside me doesn't go... I look left.

Yup he's texting or Facebook or whatever on his phone.

Cars behind him finally honk, he looks up and go.

How many people are looking on their phones while driving?

Take a picture with your mobile and put him in...

Oh wait, not allowed to do that now. Can't win.

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I love peoples who think is good social policy to blow their crap on you to make 'clean'.  I fix one last year.  Simple; be obvious to take picture of idiot man doing it, then tell him you speak with local council and also bonus to break his legs.  Usually one or other will worked.


I read that whole passage in this guys accent.


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How many people are looking on their phones while driving?




I catch a bus to work and from that vantage point have seen all sorts of things over the years. Texting is most common but also see people using ipads, eating, shaving, reading the newspaper/a book (yes reading!), putting on make-up, yelling at the kids in the back, changing clothes, driving with a pet on their lap, driving cross-legged. The list goes on...often combinations of the above. 


All these distractions combined with people driving too close to the car in front, it is little wonder why rear-enders are the most common collision.

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...All these distractions combined with people driving too close to the car in front, it is little wonder why rear-enders are the most common collision.

how often do you lose sight of the car behind 'cos it's too f'n close?  Leave a gap so I can use the brakes if I need to!!

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how often do you lose sight of the car behind 'cos it's too f'n close?  Leave a gap so I can use the brakes if I need to!!

 some times i cannot see their headlights because they're that close!!!


In a manual i like to roll backwards so they can get scared to they give me a good distance. 

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Well I am doing 40kmh in a 40kmh zone, creeping by the speed camera that now enforces 40 kmh.... and the car behinds me just accelerates up my arse and sticks his nose right up there.


Like Grrr, overtake me and get a ticket then if you want to do that.

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What is THAT? And why on the vent thread?

Tazz, it's supposed to be a car capsule...think BubbleBoy and.you might get the picture. It's in vent coz the lovely person who sent it to me obviously bought it in the states and now I can't blow it up. As my wife says..."so another thing that didn't work"

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Tazz, it's supposed to be a car capsule...think BubbleBoy and.you might get the picture. It's in vent coz the lovely person who sent it to me obviously bought it in the states and now I can't blow it up. As my wife says..."so another thing that didn't work"

Oh , I honestly thought it was something like this http://www.dealsdirect.com.au/eurolab-food-vacuum-sealer/?gclid=CMbD-6775L4CFUYIvAod3lIAOA

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Went for a bit of a drive and ended up near the Porsche centre, in the city waiting at a light to turn right for ages.. Finally get a green arrow and a silver Mitsubishi lancer comes through honking that I'm doing something wrong, then goes into brake lockup when she realised her light was red. Her passenger looked like he was ready for the pearly gates to open.

Luckily I'd been watching her approach and not slow down, otherwise I think I'd be looking for another car. oh and to top it all off got a puncture and found out the space saver takes weeks to inflate, lucky it was near home so I kept topping up the tyre and limped home.

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