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I hate it when your in the straight ahead lane and there is a lane next to you on the left which is also a straight ahead lane, but runs out just over the other side of the intersection.  


Meaning... once the lights green up this car on the left has to go as quick as it can to beat everyone and then has to cut in and cut off everyone who has done the right thing travelling on his/her right. :angry: 


Be nice to be able to just block them in, but a bit hard when I am in the beloved Bluebird. :(

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I hate it when your in the straight ahead lane and there is a lane next to you on the left which is also a straight ahead lane, but runs out just over the other side of the intersection.  

Sounds like ...



And I hate it when I'm drivin' along the road in my car and I spit out the window, the window's shut! I hate that yeah!
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I hate it when your in the straight ahead lane and there is a lane next to you on the left which is also a straight ahead lane, but runs out just over the other side of the intersection.  


Meaning... once the lights green up this car on the left has to go as quick as it can to beat everyone and then has to cut in and cut off everyone who has done the right thing travelling on his/her right. :angry:


Be nice to be able to just block them in, but a bit hard when I am in the beloved Bluebird. :(


If there are two lanes, both going straight, how is it "the right thing" to only use one of them?


Be nicer, easier and faster just to ease off the gas a smidge and let them in.

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I hate it when your in the straight ahead lane and there is a lane next to you on the left which is also a straight ahead lane, but runs out just over the other side of the intersection.  


Meaning... once the lights green up this car on the left has to go as quick as it can to beat everyone and then has to cut in and cut off everyone who has done the right thing travelling on his/her right. :angry:


Be nice to be able to just block them in, but a bit hard when I am in the beloved Bluebird. :(

I am the guy in that left lane.


Trying to get past the tossers who want to do 50 in a 70 zone!!!


Now as far as "everyone who has done the right thing travelling on his/her right" is concerned, isn't the rule to keep left??? 

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I am the guy in that left lane.


Trying to get past the tossers who want to do 50 in a 70 zone!!!


Now as far as "everyone who has done the right thing travelling on his/her right" is concerned, isn't the rule to keep left??? 

I didn`t know you had an SS UTE AND A CASE OF RED BULL

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If there are two lanes, both going straight, how is it "the right thing" to only use one of them?


Be nicer, easier and faster just to ease off the gas a smidge and let them in.

I may not have explained myself properly, I am in agreeance with your suggestion normally JJ, it is just one particular intersection that pithess me off.


Picture this. ....three lanes altogether, two destined to go straight ahead when the lights turn to race.   The third one which is on extreme left which has been made for people who want to enter the fast food pizza and Kentucky immediately over the intersection.  Then the road goes no more....


so if you didn't go to get your takeaway you have to get into the main traffic flow again.  


So do they wait to get an opening...no no no. quick flash of an indicator (maybe) and veer to the right F*## everyone else doing the right thing.


There is no doubt they are locals and know it very well, normally peak hour.


Gonna have to get the Beloved Bluebird Turbocharged to block them.


Frankston Dandenong Road heading South and Hall Road, Carrum Downer if anyone knows it. 


Plus I am becoming a grumpy old B in my older age, because everyone passes me in the BB

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Plus I am becoming a grumpy old B in my older age, because everyone passes me in the BB

 Niko , cash in some life insurance policies and invest in something like this. Your venting days will expire immediately. You will get what is commonly known as "respect" , even from idiots.



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well it's worse where I work,


Everyday at 5pm.


go down Ricketts road, try and turn right onto Foster Road.


People go straight  at the intersection, chuck a U turn because there's a convenient turning spot, go back to the intersection and do a left turn, forcing all those who do the correct thing to wait for them.


Sigh, really jams up traffic which is silly since normally no traffic comes that way at that time, mostly the people who go straight and U turn back.

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We have a left turn only lane into a 4 way intersection here. The rude ppl use it to race up n cut the flow. I'm aware of the animal so I just allow for it.

I don't think its a big deal to anyone when done safely, although it interrupts a constant flow for everyone else.

The problem is the aggressive nature of the animal at times. I saw a p plater towing a tinny, no rego, no tailights just hammer up the left n cut the flow with his trailer side by side the car he cut off. I actually expected to see bent stuff. Got a good look at who he is though and will be staying clear of him.

Ice ( not rocks for our fav) is so prevalent these days, aggression is best given a very wide berth. Regardless of their reasons for behaviour they're out there.

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The plod here are riding pushies inbetween stopped traffic at the lights looking in cars to see who is using a phone illegally.

For safety reasons ofcourse. Nothing to do with revenue at all!

Oh well, lucky I use handsfree

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A bit of online window shopping found this the other night...


I tried to get one last year. Out of stock.


Now they've double the price, I ain't getting one of these !



 US Porsche online shop same shirt  For US$140 and I'll bet it comes from the same underpaid clothing workers in China somewhere.


PCA can stick their profits from price gouging up their sports exhaust.  No wonder we are buying so much online from o/s.

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A bit of online window shopping found this the other night...




 US Porsche online shop same shirt  For US$140 and I'll bet it comes from the same underpaid clothing workers in China somewhere.


PCA can stick their profits from price gouging up their sports exhaust.  No wonder we are buying so much online from o/s.

T-Shirts, spare parts, cars..............they are all about double!!!!!!!!!!!

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