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Big tank! Is that an option? Mine's only 80 litre.


that might make more sense, but maybe my fuel gauge is being crazy though. I think I paid close to $1.80 a litre for PULP (I nearly fainted at the price but I was desperate and had to fill it)



Every time I walk into my garage and see this stack of tyres it reminds me I'm still waiting for my #%$&?@! wheels. First world problems....



are you going into the tyre business? and I didn't know you were an organ donor.

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96 litre fuel tank, on 98 ultimate


I cracked $140 the other day


Ouch I don't miss that with the SLK350 - never thought about the fuel aspect when i bought it.


MINI - cheap as chips, $70 to fill it and if I'm lucky I fill it once a month!   :P  thats a reverse vent

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Is that because it's got good fuel economy or because it doesn't do many km?



I'd say bit of both... we had a Toyota starlet that we only use to fill up every two months due to that :lol: miss that car at times. 

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Every time I walk into my garage and see this stack of tyres it reminds me I'm still waiting for my #%$&?@! wheels. First world problems....



I'm in need of some tyres for my wheels that are sitting there. Same problem.. sort of 

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My modded R53 sucked down about 9-10l per 100 km. The R56 JCW does about 7 per 100.

The 964 does about 12l per 100km. Which is a nice surprise!

Ouch I don't miss that with the SLK350 - never thought about the fuel aspect when i bought it.

MINI - cheap as chips, $70 to fill it and if I'm lucky I fill it once a month! :P thats a reverse vent

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Another first world vent today. Receiving a package in the mail, marked "Fragile" and it arrives looking like this......




Luckily its just stuff from carcarproducts.com.au so mostly cloths and polishing pads so nothing could be broken right......




Except the cloths pack I bought comes in a great plastic case to keep everything neat and tidy. It's only a plastic tub but seriously auspost get your S&#t together!

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If you get a package in this condition, do not accept it if you suspect damage.


Open it in the presence of an Australia Post (or freight company rep) so that you have a company verification. Any damages can then be claimed without argument.


Our local P.O calls us and lets us know of any damage or leakages to or onto our packages before we get them.  They also keep a record of any damaged packages. 

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Another first world vent today. Receiving a package in the mail, marked "Fragile" and it arrives looking like this......




Luckily its just stuff from carcarproducts.com.au so mostly cloths and polishing pads so nothing could be broken right......




Except the cloths pack I bought comes in a great plastic case to keep everything neat and tidy. It's only a plastic tub but seriously auspost get your S&#t together!


If it's marked fragile, i'm sure you're allowed to say something about it. 


I use couriers please for around australia delivery. never had an issue. 


Aus post on the other hand or USPS i had issues with when getting a critical part for my engine.  It was a balance shaft housing, bearings and balance shaft. It was all taped up so the bearings and housings don't get damaged. 

What do they do when they check the part? The box is ripped apart and the tape is ripped off. allowing all the parts to bounce around.

Lucky all i needed was the housing. 

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If it's marked fragile, i'm sure you're allowed to say something about it. 


I use couriers please for around australia delivery. never had an issue. 


Aus post on the other hand or USPS i had issues with when getting a critical part for my engine.  It was a balance shaft housing, bearings and balance shaft. It was all taped up so the bearings and housings don't get damaged. 

What do they do when they check the part? The box is ripped apart and the tape is ripped off. allowing all the parts to bounce around.

Lucky all i needed was the housing. 


You can thank customs for tearing the package apart……and sometimes they charge you for the privilege

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You can thank customs for tearing the package apart……and sometimes they charge you for the privilege


That's true! I've had heaps of parts sent over from the states, and not one has been ripped opened like that. That part was least likely to contain drugs ect in it as it's all solid. The other parts i had got sent over are better contenders!

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Another first world vent today. Receiving a package in the mail, marked "Fragile" and it arrives looking like this......




Luckily its just stuff from carcarproducts.com.au so mostly cloths and polishing pads so nothing could be broken right......




Except the cloths pack I bought comes in a great plastic case to keep everything neat and tidy. It's only a plastic tub but seriously auspost get your S&#t together!

This is nothing!  Auspost SOP is to drop parcels into big bins and onto roller conveyors, chutes etc..  Basically, if your parcel won't survive being dropped from a first floor window, re-pack it or carry it yourself.  Otherwise, pay to insure it.


My more intelligent half works at Post implementing a new parcel sorting facility right now.  The new system will be pretty much 95% automated with less human hands throwing things around. Although machines don't discriminate either.

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Don't start me on Aus-post... they don't give a f%$&!!!  I have wine sent up to me by a friend in SA on a regular basis, three shipments, three broken bottles all we get is a letter saying too bd deal with it we don't care basically. 

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Don't start me on Aus-post... they don't give a f%$&!!!  I have wine sent up to me by a friend in SA on a regular basis, three shipments, three broken bottles all we get is a letter saying too bd deal with it we don't care basically.

That is poor service and utterly ridiculous when they are already loosing money.

Too bad, I've sent car parts to 3 different states recently and all cheaper than any courier. Eg: 4x370z oem wheels w/o tyres from Northern rivers to Canberra $90.

Those employees will blame someone else when they are made redundant. Wake up Australian's this is your final call.

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love to find the a"£$hole that reversed into my car yesterday afternoon whilst i was reffing soccer, the ignorant sod new he hit it as the number plate was dislodged and he had tried to rub the scratch out very evident as the car was rather dirty from the morning rain.

At least i buffed out most of the mark just need to work out a way to refit the plates without new bolt holes in the bumper

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love to find the a"£$hole that reversed into my car yesterday afternoon whilst i was reffing soccer, the ignorant sod new he hit it as the number plate was dislodged and he had tried to rub the scratch out very evident as the car was rather dirty from the morning rain.

At least i buffed out most of the mark just need to work out a way to refit the plates without new bolt holes in the bumper

Good to hear it's not too bad.

I have my blackvue cam for that. Caught dealer mechanic at play in my z. Oh but but erh....

Nice try sunshine.

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So sick of people criticising my job when Defence gets screwed over yet again. You know what, screw you. You don't have to put up with the fact that your son and daughter will be attending 3 different schools in 3 different states in the space of three years. You don't have to work at a moments notice when the "civilian defence contractors" run out of overtime money due to snouts in the trough and clear the funds by the 9 month mark and defence members just have to work weekends and miss out on family time as "the contractor" doesn't have to pay you overtime. You don't have to spend half of your time away from your family living in accommodation that refuges refuse to live in as it is not up to standard. You don't have to explain to your wife and family why you are missing another birthday, anniversary or funeral. You don't have to live in an area will no family support. You don't have to be treated like dirt when you get injured by the people who are put in place to actually help you.


And for those who say, just get out. Well, if it wasn't for people like me, and we all decided to just get out. Who would come in and clean up the local natural disaster areas, who would supply humanitarian aide for over seas disasters. Certainly not civilian companies without putting there hand out first.  Remember what happened during the airline strike, who worked long hours getting people where they needed to be.


Arghhhhhhhh. Luckily I love my country a hell of a lot and my long suffering family is understanding. 

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You know what they say - you love it, but it doesn't love you back!


I got out because I hit that ten year mark when you make the decision - do I want to work my way up, or re-skill for civvy street?  It was a logical choice and financially and family-wise - I'm FAR better off.  I speak to people that are still in and they validate my decision - soon the ADF will be like the AFP.  Treating their people like shit...


But do I miss it EVERY DAY?


Yes.  Yes I do.


Focus on the good stuff.  Professional satisfaction. Excellent people (amongst the dunder-heads).  My experience is that so far, being a civilian can't ever attempt to match being in uniform for camaraderie, professional pride and satisfaction....


So sick of people criticising my job when Defence gets screwed over yet again. You know what, screw you. You don't have to put up with the fact that your son and daughter will be attending 3 different schools in 3 different states in the space of three years. You don't have to work at a moments notice when the "civilian defence contractors" run out of overtime money due to snouts in the trough and clear the funds by the 9 month mark and defence members just have to work weekends and miss out on family time as "the contractor" doesn't have to pay you overtime. You don't have to spend half of your time away from your family living in accommodation that refuges refuse to live in as it is not up to standard. You don't have to explain to your wife and family why you are missing another birthday, anniversary or funeral. You don't have to live in an area will no family support. You don't have to be treated like dirt when you get injured by the people who are put in place to actually help you.


And for those who say, just get out. Well, if it wasn't for people like me, and we all decided to just get out. Who would come in and clean up the local natural disaster areas, who would supply humanitarian aide for over seas disasters. Certainly not civilian companies without putting there hand out first.  Remember what happened during the airline strike, who worked long hours getting people where they needed to be.


Arghhhhhhhh. Luckily I love my country a hell of a lot and my long suffering family is understanding. 

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