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All the new cars are massively under in speedo readings, my Subaru and Mazda are both more like almost 10 kmh under at 100.

And re slow turn out lanes.... they never think they are slow... Why should they take the slow vehicle turn out? In their mind surely no one can go faster then them.

In some BMWs there is an option in the instrument panel programming which you can flip on. This is known as the 'japan speedo' option. When this bit is flipped the speedo loses the intentional -5% error and reads accurately.

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As for vent. Went to get new tyres for the family wagon. Only got 20,000 kind fromthe rears, as the aligned scrubbed them out.

Went and asked for replacements, was told there was two left and do I made a time. Came back today, dropped the car off and spent an hour in a coffee shop before getting the call " sorry we don't have those in stock, computer was wrong".

Two hours wasted, have to go back tomorrow. Grumble.

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Check for update cycles here before buying Mac stuff. Handy for timing.



I just had a quick look on here and went back a week or two - couldn't see any sign of the upgrade to the MBP. Thanks for the link, I haven't been checking that site even tho I am aware of it, I just look at mactalk and get some email alerts from them and a US site too that posts all the rumours.


This next comment isn't aimed at tit but at other comments about my vent..


Anyways, this is a vent thread and I was venting!  One knows technology moves quick but it just pisses you off when you've just bought something for ex amount of dollars, only to find that within a week of spending that money a faster better version is released!  Such is life.


And really, expecting Apple or JB to tell me a faster version is coming?  They have stock to sell, why would they do that? I wouldn't if running a business!  

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  One knows technology moves quick but it just pisses you off when you've just bought something for ex amount of dollars, only to find that within a week of spending that money a faster better version is released!  Such is life.


Amanda you of all people should know what I was told in 1982 "the hardware man giveth , the software man taketh away"

I'm a source of continual frustration to my tech savvy , latest device/version-ready family. It's quite funny really refusing to upgrade.

My 5 year old laptop serves me fine , albeit with some cleaning and tweaking from time to time. Like my old cars.

My only beef is with our internet service provider; satellite broadband is all very well,  but when their tower blows over or ices up???

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Here's my technology vent: NBN was installed up to 500m from our house. Then the election happened.

ADSL1 and a telephone line we dont want foreverrrrr!

Amanda you of all people should know what I was told in 1982 "the hardware man giveth , the software man taketh away"

I'm a source of continual frustration to my tech savvy , latest device/version-ready family. It's quite funny really refusing to upgrade.

My 5 year old laptop serves me fine , albeit with some cleaning and tweaking from time to time. Like my old cars.

My only beef is with our internet service provider; satellite broadband is all very well, but when their tower blows over or ices up???

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Amanda you of all people should know what I was told in 1982 "the hardware man giveth , the software man taketh away"

I'm a source of continual frustration to my tech savvy , latest device/version-ready family. It's quite funny really refusing to upgrade.

My 5 year old laptop serves me fine , albeit with some cleaning and tweaking from time to time. Like my old cars.

My only beef is with our internet service provider; satellite broadband is all very well,  but when their tower blows over or ices up???


I used to be like that, now I don't care as much. I was more annoyed that I'd have gotten more power for same money a week later.  I'm over it now. I'll just use it.   My next issue is my iPhone 4S battery life - its dying every 4 or so hours now - I might as well wait for iPhone 6 but many rumours on when it will be released or do I just buy a new battery until the 4S is totally useless?



We never get telemarker calls that I know - but then again, I never ever answer the home phone. People that matter call me on my mobile :)

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We never get telemarker calls that I know - but then again, I never ever answer the home phone. People that matter call me on my mobile :)


We have actually stopped answering and let it go to an answering machine. If its anyone we know and important enough, they leave a message or they call a mobile. 

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Are the Americans really so stupid.

An American doctor treating the Ebola virus contracts it himself. They say ' we don't know how as he was wearing the protective clothing'. So lets bring him to America where we don't have any cases of the disease to treat him.

It's like we are living one of those dumb movies they are so famous for making.

Their arrogance is truly evident.

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So lets bring him to America where we don't have any cases of the disease to treat him.

I saw this on the news and was thinking WTF!? Why would the take him back to the US?? I know the CDC has a special plane and all but surely the sensible thing to do would be to quarantine him as much as possible to prevent it spreading.

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Are the Americans really so stupid.

An American doctor treating the Ebola virus contracts it himself. They say ' we don't know how as he was wearing the protective clothing'. So lets bring him to America where we don't have any cases of the disease to treat him.

It's like we are living one of those dumb movies they are so famous for making.

Their arrogance is truly evident.


Americans always think they're better than the rest of the world

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I saw this on the news and was thinking WTF!? Why would the take him back to the US?? I know the CDC has a special plane and all but surely the sensible thing to do would be to quarantine him as much as possible to prevent it spreading.

ebola isn't that contagious- it is actually quite fragile in the environment.

a lot of the research labs around the world work with it too.

not such a big risk. the first hand data would be very useful too.

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People that smoke in public toilets, why can't they wait till they are finished instead of filling that small space with filthy fumes.


I respect their right to light up a ciggy, but please respect my right not to have to inhale the second hand smoke. 

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Received council rates today.

Went up by 33%

Paid house insurance today

Went up by 10%

Competitive nature of our industry makes it almost impossible to keep our prices in line with CPI.

Some things just don't make sense. Not happy.

Vent over.

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My vent this morning is two-fold:


Firstly at bus drivers who overshoot the stop and secondly at the people who were standing at the back of the line piling onto the bus, leaving those who were at the front standing on the footpath because the bus is full  :angry:

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On Sunday I drove down to Newcastle in my son's 89 Prelude.  What a great car for its era, anyway I was cruising the Hunter Freeway seeing a lot of cyclist and the thought struck me " why are the cyclist allowed on this road when they don't allow it on the Newcastle -Sydney expressway ? Same speed limit 110 kph….it must be the extra wide stop lane that is designated for pushbikes "


Approached the first Maitland offramp, traffic slowed, three ambulances encircled a white sheet on the road…….. :(


Well, it was going to be a vent

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