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I don't know about wet suits I heard the only ones you will find at the beaches in Tassy at this time of the year

would be the ones that say  ARF ARF ARF... 









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Haha, I actually agree with you Tazzie, Tassie is the last remaining bastion of real Aussies and they are a tough breed down there.

Our favourite place in the world, with the boss of the house often trolling the Houses For Sale adverts down there.

Not sure if Tassy is ready for a speed yellow Boxster, just yet......

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After hitting debris on the road yesterday, I was left without a clutch. Sh1+ happens.  That can be fixed.  This vent is about what happenned next.  The gang I was driving with (you know who you are) were all very helpful in getting me mobile enough to get the car back to the main road where there is mobile service to call for a tow.  Thanks to all of you.


I called RACV for a tow.  Explaining the situation to the operator, she asked me to hold while she spoke with her supervisor.  Because it was "impact damage" and I am not insured with them Roadside Assist is not available.  GRRRR!!  Then I was transferred to the towing allocation service.  "because you have moved your vehicle more than 2km from the incident site, we can't tow your car under insurance for a crash. You will have to pay for it yourself in full."  more GRRRR!!


Lesson learned: if you hit something which damages your car.  STOP and STAY PUT.  The insurance industry is very good at finding loop holes to avoid paying for anything.

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On sunday i was with a mate heading to crown casino for a drink & catchup. 

I was sitting at the traffic lights and a VE gts pulls up behind me. they go green and the lights up ahead are red, now he's beside me. i pulled down my window a little for some air as i just got off the freeway.

Green light... He just slams the go peddle, spins the wheels and goes.. Flys past me, meanwhile i'm turning left at the next intersection. 


Now i don't know whats worse, that he tried to race or the slap he'll get from his wife. 

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Green arrow to turn right

The doodle in front decides to pull an illegal U-turn

I brake to avoid rear ending him


Red light camera goes off

$369.00 fine

3 demerit point

WTF. Seriously WTF!

O, and the paper cut from trying to open their f*ing shite f*ing letter! Absolute B f*ing S.

Sorry, rant over.

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Green arrow to turn right

The doodle in front decides to pull an illegal U-turn

I brake to avoid rear ending him


Red light camera goes off

$369.00 fine

3 demerit point

WTF. Seriously WTF!

O, and the paper cut from trying to open their f*ing shite f*ing letter! Absolute B f*ing S.

Sorry, rant over.

Won't cost you anything to object by writing a letter to the traffic authorities and explaining what happened..... You never know.....

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Someone did that to me this morning. Almost hit them. No camera though.

Then this evening I'm the way home someone decided to hit the brakes turn right without indicating on the round about in front of me.

The minis brakes got a workout today!

Green arrow to turn right

The doodle in front decides to pull an illegal U-turn

I brake to avoid rear ending him


Red light camera goes off

$369.00 fine

3 demerit point

WTF. Seriously WTF!

O, and the paper cut from trying to open their f*ing shite f*ing letter! Absolute B f*ing S.

Sorry, rant over.

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Definitely Worth a letter Huge, you never know...

But....might be worth getting the photo first, checking if the other car is visible then telling the story.

I'm sure you can do one but if you need a hand and what key words to add in there, yell out.

All depends on your priors ..if you have any..how long ago etc....but with red lights be warned...they are red hot.

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Definitely Worth a letter Huge, you never know...

But....might be worth getting the photo first, checking if the other car is visible then telling the story.

I'm sure you can do one but if you need a hand and what key words to add in there, yell out.

All depends on your priors ..if you have any..how long ago etc....but with red lights be warned...they are red hot.

Thanks mate, I'll give it a try - just the severity of the fine leaves me almost speechless aside from swear words!
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No, please don't think that - I very much appreciate the shoulder to cry on!


Hey Hugh,


No, don't worry, I really don't think that..... I just added that to try and lighten the mood...


( btw.... I've got broad shoulders... )

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Fun times in Townsville traffic.....


I'm so sexy 4WD pulls up on the inside merge lane to get ahead of traffic stopped at lights and then produces a billowy cloud of "I can't actually produce anything resembling speed but a lot of smoke" off at the lights and forces everyone else to brake to let them in. Then proceeds to cut across to the right lane which is good as I am turning left in a merge lane, changes mind and bamm straight across two lanes to cut me off again as they figure out they need to go left as well.


Le Sigh .. 


Way home last night stopped the lights, dual stop and arrow.. another 4WD straight through the red arrow turning across traffic. I think I need a tank.

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Dash camera (blackvue) I've had for a while now captures all these things. I've not had to use any of it for a driving issue ( dealer mechanic d#ck though) yet, but it will be handy one day.

At $300 odd its worth it IMO in the event it saves me paying an insurance excess because I couldn't identify the other driver. I've already had two insurance claims that were not my fault $1,300 each. A$$holes....

Fines are one I hadn't thought of until now.

Hope you have a sympathetic ear on the other end Hugh.

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Hugh, from the last time I got a red light camera thing, when I was driving my mates wheelchair Van and got caught in traffic, they don't forgive red light cameras, they forgive speeding.


But I wish you luck.


And the drive to my new place of work .... the standard of driving is terrible !


Hey Mercedes/Audi/BMW big fat SUV.. you are not so fat that you need to drive in both lanes at once! Move over!

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We have a main road in our town that has two lanes that run out into one with no actual merging lane. The broken lines just stop.

Had this d!@#head in his BIG 4x4 ute wouldn't let me in. Slow slow crawl at 330pm. He actively cut me out each time I tried to merge.

Local mobile Auto electrician with his business name all over the truck.

You know a dood is a real dood when he won't be kind....yeah dood, that's the way to do business in a small town.

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