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Amanda you really do need to be chasing hand made quality   ;) rather than allowing yourself to be seduced by these throwaway vehicles  . BMW have a revolving door policy like so many of the modern mfrs. Cheap entry fee - high membership cost - next please!

Interestingly,  Porsche formulated a specific "longlife" policy way back in the 70s. 

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Then forgot it when VW took over..

Indeed , really since the 90s the bean counters insisted on sell, sell , sell!

For a while though , with a galvanised chassis and mostly mechanical components things were in a sweet spot, which some of us can still celebrate  :)

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Amanda you really do need to be chasing hand made quality ;) rather than allowing yourself to be seduced by these throwaway vehicles . BMW have a revolving door policy like so many of the modern mfrs. Cheap entry fee - high membership cost - next please!

Interestingly, Porsche formulated a specific "longlife" policy way back in the 70s.

Thanks Tazzie - my vent was more about the Ppi not finding the fault that existed - given that's why i paid them to do.

But this kind of reply doesn't really help me now does it?? Buying an old P car wouldn't have been any better for me. Yes, a Yaris or some jap crap would have - but that wouldn't be fun. Besides I don't do any of my repairs so....

Hard to judge if you are just winding me up sometimes :)

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Muppets on our roads.

Driving home tonight on Waringah freeway heading north and the traffic is stop start. This is an area with no traffic lights so it should not be happening. Further up the road I find there's an accident on the other side of the road! Not on our side at all or impeeding us in any way but all these idiots have to slow right down to take a look, that was the only thing causing it, there was no traffic and fast flow right after it.

Not the first time this has happened either.

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Thanks Tazzie - my vent was more about the Ppi not finding the fault that existed - given that's why i paid them to do.

But this kind of reply doesn't really help me now does it?? Buying an old P car wouldn't have been any better for me. Yes, a Yaris or some jap crap would have - but that wouldn't be fun. Besides I don't do any of my repairs so....

Hard to judge if you are just winding me up sometimes :)


If you are still able to drive the car, albeit noisy, then this is the thrust race (throw out bearing) not the clutch.


Bit hard to pick up in a PPI unless its already making a noise.

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If you are still able to drive the car, albeit noisy, then this is the thrust race (throw out bearing) not the clutch.

Bit hard to pick up in a PPI unless its already making a noise.

Throw out bearing is going ie making noise and the clutch is heavy and is grabbing later in the motion. Which it's done all along. I specifically asked them about this. Cars done a mere 4000km since PPI, mostly hwy km. They should have listed this.

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Throw out bearing is going ie making noise and the clutch is heavy and is grabbing later in the motion. Which it's done all along. I specifically asked them about this. Cars done a mere 4000km since PPI, mostly hwy km. They should have listed this.


Ahh, now I understand

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How about a Toyota 86, my son is loving his , though it is a coupe.

Of my Porsches he says it feels closest to the 911.

Had someone tell me recently that he reckoned his recently purchased Toyota 86 is the 356 of the future.

Think I'll check back in 45 years and see if he still thinks that.

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I think the new Samsung Galaxy phones are splash resistant 


Well, at least the S5 is.


My S3 died just from being in my sweaty cycling jersey pocket every day and my S4 ended up in a schooner of beer while I was texting. 

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How about a Toyota 86, my son is loving his , though it is a coupe.

Of my Porsches he says it feels closest to the 911.

Good for him! My next car will be another Porsche :) people do love the 86s tho.

The clutch is a pain but once it's done it's done. One less thing to worry about I suppose.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not so much a vent but a share.


I felt compelled to communicate with another driver today.  Not immediately, but later with a cooler head.  


Below is the contents of the email I sent to a local removal company.   I wonder what the owner will think of his trusted employee now.





I have a question for the driver of your removal van whom I encountered in High Street, Ashburton this afternoon.
Who's the "dickhead"?
Is it me? - a driver of a car travelling in the left lane at 40km/h along a road which has a 40km/h limit.  
a. the driver of  a stinky old removal van belching black smoke because the driver thinks that leaving it in a lower gear and driving it at the redline will make it go faster up the hill.
b. the van driver who travels dangerously close to the back of my vehicle screaming like a maniac out the window to speed up as he obviously doesn't look at posted speed limits, then overtakes and aggressively swerves back in front all the while still screaming abuse.  The other motorists nearby thought he was hilarious!
c. the van driver who abuses other motorists,  forgetting that his vehicle has a company name and phone number in large lettering on the side so he can be easily identified.
d.  a,b &c.
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Well said Harvs.   I have a problem with Tradies....


Not all of them mind you, just the ones that get on the freeway, swerve in and out of everybody who is sitting on the speed limits and in their correct lanes.  


Quite often on the mobile phone as he carries out these mind boggling, death defying manoeuvres in his Toyota Hi Ace...or similar weapon


Normally their driving behaviour mirrors the vehicle they are driving with crap hanging of it or in it, just ready to disgorge itself onto the roadway.


It will either be first thing in the morning peak traffic, obviously running late for a job (should have got outta bed earlier)

or in the evening where he has to get home at the same sort of speed.  


This time having a roadie (not that I am against a cool refresher on a hot day) with his little offsider sitting in the passenger seat, this time he is the one on the phone and not the driver.


The best days are when the building industry have a day off, everybody else will have a safer day going to and from work.


The new number plate recognition technology has  also weeded a lot of the unregistered tradie trucks/utes off the road.


VENT OVER ...... :angry:

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I do get p'd off with a 15 minute crawl through the CBD here once or twice a week 

But it obviously is much much worse for many out there in the big smoke


Certainly a health burden on top of the sedentary life "enjoyed" by many




But really , what is the answer? Not bikes , surely, though that is what our local pollies would like to believe

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This morning whilst driving my van, I saw a woman driving a nice new BMW cruising in the right lane at 50kph in a 60 zone whilst eating a bowl of rice with chopsticks, and her phone on her left leg that looked to be Facebook! (I'm up high so I can see in the car)

As she was the only one in the right lane, I decided to get in front of her and brake test her. I know I shouldnt have, but the screech of brakes and no doubt bowl of rice and her phone on the floor had me in fits of laughter

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Always happy to come down hard on the text and drive types.


More fuel to the fire  http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/special-features/distracted-drivers-send-a-fatal-message/story-fnl1b568-1227142328957?nk=e43868ba38741e1d9284df92b7e47e62#itm=newscomau%7Chome%7Cnca-homepage-masthead-feature%7C1%7Cheading%7Chomepage%7Chomepage&itmt=1417728078432




The state’s top cop Ian Stewart says businessmen and women are big offenders when it comes to illegal mobile phone use in the car.


Where are the "Text+drive = bloody idiot" messages?

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