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Am in the process of doing that as I type here.

Waiting on a call/text for the address and the home owners number who booked the cleaner.

Thats two I've missed by just days!

I'm hoping it was just a Poraga or something like that, and not a 911.

She said it was the same shape as my 12, as I posted some pics on Stalkbook of my car being painted yesterday. Thats why she said 'Oh yeah, I forgot to telya' etc etc. Grrrrrr

Did you post pics of your car here on PFA?


Rent jumpers owed a few grand apparently, so the home owners took the car as payment.

I have asked for their number to discuss what is owed, and that I wish to view the car to discuss a purchase.

Fingers crossed!

Good luck with that one.  It might be a tricky ownership fight for the car if the original owner comes looking for it.

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Rent jumpers owed a few grand apparently, so the home owners took the car as payment.

I have asked for their number to discuss what is owed, and that I wish to view the car to discuss a purchase.

Fingers crossed!


Keen to hear how this works out.


In Australia it's a case of finders keepers with no title system.  Would be very hard for former owners to get it back even if they cried blue in the face.  All the home owner has to do is work out the back rent settlement thing and send some sort of legal 'accepting vehicle in settlement of debts'. IANAL but it's highly unlikely that a rent-jumper would ever even come looking for it, or employ the services of a lawyer to get it back.  The cops aren't interested unless a stolen car report comes in, and even then I doubt they'd do much.


Relative had some rent jumpers once...kept the car and sold it.  Pity it was a chalky-grey VK commodore which didn't run.  That was a long time ago though, and someone actually paid money for the thing after it was mobile again.  No paperwork involved then - just re-rego it after getting it going and sell to new owner.

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Good luck with the chase.  Any idea of what the P actually is?

Not really

I showed my friend a pic of my car, and she said it looks the same.

I also showed her a pic of an SC and 930 'No, it doesnt have wide rear guards like them'.

It's not a Beetle is it? 'I know the difference between a Porsche and a Beetle'!

Oh dear! I'm thinking pre 70's

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I took my waterproof sony xperia z2 phone to the beach to shoot the kids.

It's a waterproof phone

It's waterproof to 1.5 metres for 30 minutes. I know this as it's the headline selling feature on the Sony website.

It's a waterproof phone.

Mine got splashed with sea water.

It's actually not a waterproof phone. It failed within 5 minutes of getting wet. No life. Photos gone. Back to using my spare 4 year old Samsung.

Sony waterproof phone is apparently waterproof to 1.5 metres ABOVE water.

Wait till I get my people to speak with their people...... Hang on... I don't have people.

End of vent

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Thanks Russ.   I, too, read all those stories AFTER I wet my phone.   Pain in the bum, really.


Nothing really states clearly on their site that is it Freshwaterproof.    Even tap water has chlorine !   Also, a lot o publicity photos I have seen (or thought I saw) are in a pool setting - certainly either fresh or salt water.


Anyway, being sent back to Sony, and its under warranty (as opposed to under water).


The biggest pain for me is that I have a waterproof go pro, so wetting my phone was not even necessary  :wub:

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On hols in Thailand and every photo I try to take has some nuffy with a selfie stick trying to frame themselves in the picture while blocking the view for anyone else. Keep an eye on the news for an "incident" with a selfie stick



Get into em Harvs, try and teach them that new game of hide the selfie stick, that should work...


Enjoy Thailand.

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So I am photographing the school Christmas carols, I am careful not to block people view of the kids, been all considerate.




Come one class and all the mum rush to the front, stand in front of the class blocking everyone else's view, and hold up their iPads and phones.




So I take a photo of their backs for the school.

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On hols in Thailand and every photo I try to take has some nuffy with a selfie stick trying to frame themselves in the picture while blocking the view for anyone else. Keep an eye on the news for an "incident" with a selfie stick


selfies, couplies, legsies...a sign of our narcissistic times.

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So I am photographing the school Christmas carols, I am careful not to block people view of the kids, been all considerate.




Come one class and all the mum rush to the front, stand in front of the class blocking everyone else's view, and hold up their iPads and phones.




So I take a photo of their backs for the school.


Why do people use iPads as cameras?  Why?  


This does particularly annoy me - as noted, you go somewhere to look at something and a bunch of people are holding up books to take pictures.


You can't tell me they don't have a phone in their pocket as well - with the exact same camera in it.

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Why do people use iPads as cameras?  Why?  


This does particularly annoy me - as noted, you go somewhere to look at something and a bunch of people are holding up books to take pictures.


You can't tell me they don't have a phone in their pocket as well - with the exact same camera in it.


Or possibly an even better camera in their phone. 


Wait I can merge selfies and taking pictures with iPads here... :ph34r:



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So I am photographing the school Christmas carols, I am careful not to block people view of the kids, been all considerate.




Come one class and all the mum rush to the front, stand in front of the class blocking everyone else's view, and hold up their iPads and phones.




So I take a photo of their backs for the school.

Yeeeeees, ppl are rude. I just had this lovely experience myself.

Although I had determined, for me, it would be better to live the joy of actually watching our little one perform than record it.

The mums did the rush down to the front thing and got in the way of all else trying to watch or record. I was immediately angered, then laughed at the spectacle of the size of the ipad recorders. I remarked to my lady that the bigger screen only sufficed to block others view not record any better than a phone or camera. Then joked about the RSI cases to come from holding the ever larger pads in the air, and what size they will be in the future. See my big.....

Then I wiped it from my mind as I focused on the little ones beaming with joy and self pride. These school events soften my heart towards humanity. A measure I can certainly use in dealing with them otherwise. A joy I treasure.

I wonder what stir it would cause if an anonymous photo of the backs of mum's were to appear on the school notice board. Oh my......is that.....it is.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another suicide Pedestrian on the way to work this morning.


I am doing 40-50 kmh down a road near a park, I have my lights and driving lights on.


Parked cars on the left, 


A lady steps out, I thought she was going for one of the parked cars, so I move over to the right and give her room.


At this point I am already thinking that she should have looked for cars as she just came out...




She keeps on walking out? S**T !!


Finger in her nose, looking left, just walking straight across the road.


I get on the brakes HARD. ABS kicks in, Car stops, I beep her with the horn, well I might have slammed my hand on the horn really.


She looks up with the "startled deer" look and once she gets over her shock she continues on and walks off the road.


Well that got my heart rate up first thing in the morning!


My car is Silver, I have my lights on, I was "VISIBLE" but she just didn't look.


My conclusion.... I need a sports exhaust... my 997 must be too quiet !!

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Another suicide Pedestrian on the way to work this morning.


I am doing 40-50 kmh down a road near a park, I have my lights and driving lights on.


Parked cars on the left, 


A lady steps out, I thought she was going for one of the parked cars, so I move over to the right and give her room.


At this point I am already thinking that she should have looked for cars as she just came out...




She keeps on walking out? S**T !!


Finger in her nose, looking left, just walking straight across the road.


I get on the brakes HARD. ABS kicks in, Car stops, I beep her with the horn, well I might have slammed my hand on the horn really.


She looks up with the "startled deer" look and once she gets over her shock she continues on and walks off the road.


Well that got my heart rate up first thing in the morning!


My car is Silver, I have my lights on, I was "VISIBLE" but she just didn't look.


My conclusion.... I need a sports exhaust... my 997 must be too quiet !!

This is why we are getting jammed up with ever reducing speed limits.  I say fit a bull-bar and let Darwinism take care of these non-attentive self-absorbed types.  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:

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Noise helps. My last motorbike was the first one I'd bought with a stock muffler. First week of riding it I kept getting cut-off in traffic because no one looks. Went and got myself something much louder, problem solved.


People are too stupid to look, but they will hear you!

In these days of reduced noise limits on cars the racket from an old air cooled engine has the same effect.

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