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Another suicide Pedestrian on the way to work this morning.

A lady steps out, I thought she was going for one of the parked cars, so I move over to the right and give her room.

At this point I am already thinking that she should have looked for cars as she just came out...


She keeps on walking out? S**T !!

Finger in her nose, looking left, just walking straight across the road.

I get on the brakes HARD. ABS kicks in, Car stops, I beep her with the horn, well I might have slammed my hand on the horn really.

She looks up with the "startled deer" look and once she gets over her shock she continues on and walks off the road.

My car is Silver, I have my lights on, I was "VISIBLE" but she just didn't look.

Only two things are infinite...the universe and human stupidity, and I 'm not sure about the former....
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Only two things are infinite...they universe and human stupidity, and I 'm not sure about the former....


You're wanting to be idiot free Niko :angry:  :) ?


Chisel has some words for you , and the video clip is worth a watch , though NSFPFA


Everybody wants to be a wannabe
Living in a limousine
Everybody wants to be a tragedy
In a supermarket magazine
Everybody wants to be famous
Everybody wants more things
Everybody longs to feel the pain
That a whole lotta money’s gonna bring
Everybody wants their name on the guest list
Everybody wants to get in free
Everybody wants complete fidelity
From two or three lovers simultaneously
Everybody wants to be an individual
Everybody else does too
All I wanna be is idiot free
And outta here with you
Everybody wants to have children
No-one wants to hang around
Everybody wants the world to cry
When they’re lying in the cold cold ground
Everybody wants the ideal body
Waiting when they get back home
Whether that’s the one in Shanghai, London
New York City or the villa in Rome
Everybody wants to be an individual
Everybody else does too
All I wanna be is idiot free
And outta here with you
Everybody thinks they might have been kidnapped
And examined in a U.F.O.
Everybody’s locked into too much hock
To ever think about what they don’t want you to know
And still they’re gunna be an individual
Everybody else is too
All I wanna be is idiot free
And outta here with you
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Irresponsible, foolish propaganda by the Australian news paper.

Headline front page today.

Islamists at 'war with the world'

Way to fan flames and harm more people.

On behalf of loving people worldwide I apologize to anyone offended by these foolish attention grabbers.

Perhaps journalists should have the 'first do no harm' oath since their voice is so loud and far reaching.

Monkey's in shoes....

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Having only returned to Australia 5 months ago......I have already received my first pair of "wanker" tickets for driving a Porsche in Sydney this week.

Now, what makes this even more ridiculous is that I've driven all of 900km in the car since returning home (yes, having a 1 yr old means I spend a lot more time pedaling a Volvo loaded with prams and other associated crap).

So, Ive received two tickets in the past week, one for "not signalling for changing lanes" (which I did), the other....for not coming to a full stop at a stop sign. Two of the most innocuous and pathetic fines possible. Even the coppers who ticketed me had a laugh at my expense, one even had the temerity to suggest that it shouldn't be a problem for me to afford the fine!

I was warned by my best mate that this would happen when we decided to bring the car to Australia.....he was right.

What to do....I just laughed both times. It's not about revenue raising apparently.

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Having only returned to Australia 5 months ago......I have already received my first pair of "wanker" tickets for driving a Porsche in Sydney this week.

Now, what makes this even more ridiculous is that I've driven all of 900km in the car since returning home (yes, having a 1 yr old means I spend a lot more time pedaling a Volvo loaded with prams and other associated crap).

So, Ive received two tickets in the past week, one for "not signalling for changing lanes" (which I did), the other....for not coming to a full stop at a stop sign. Two of the most innocuous and pathetic fines possible. Even the coppers who ticketed me had a laugh at my expense, one even had the temerity to suggest that it shouldn't be a problem for me to afford the fine!

I was warned by my best mate that this would happen when we decided to bring the car to Australia.....he was right.

What to do....I just laughed both times. It's not about revenue raising apparently.

Lucky they didn't impound your car under the new hoon laws and tip off ACA for blasting thru that stop sign in your elitist, fancy, rich boy's toy.

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Having only returned to Australia 5 months ago......I have already received my first pair of "wanker" tickets for driving a Porsche in Sydney this week.

Now, what makes this even more ridiculous is that I've driven all of 900km in the car since returning home (yes, having a 1 yr old means I spend a lot more time pedaling a Volvo loaded with prams and other associated crap).

So, Ive received two tickets in the past week, one for "not signalling for changing lanes" (which I did), the other....for not coming to a full stop at a stop sign. Two of the most innocuous and pathetic fines possible. Even the coppers who ticketed me had a laugh at my expense, one even had the temerity to suggest that it shouldn't be a problem for me to afford the fine!

I was warned by my best mate that this would happen when we decided to bring the car to Australia.....he was right.

What to do....I just laughed both times. It's not about revenue raising apparently.


Weird.. I don't live too far from you and never encountered an issue like this with cops... I do literally drive like a grandma whilst in suburbia though. 


Maybe I have it coming to me.....  :ph34r:


PS: you reminded me of this 


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...never encountered an issue like this with cops...





In fact I've been given the thumbs-up a few times. 


Maybe I've been lucky but I guess it goes to show that there are tossers in all walks of life, some of them happen to be cops. Perhaps a warning would have been more appropriate...Maybe they're jealous. 

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Good thing you made it multiple choice for them. When you get a response please do share it with us. I'm just dying to see what they say.

My vent is - hey see that big yellow sign that says KEEP LEFT UNLESS OVERTAKING. It means don't drive in the right lane unless you're passing someone. It doesn't mean DO 10 KPH LESS THAN THE SPEED LIMIT DURING PEAK HOUR AND HOLD UP THE TRAFFIC.

Oops. That was in response to the moving van email post. Where did it go?

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Good thing you made it multiple choice for them. When you get a response please do share it with us. I'm just dying to see what they say.

My vent is - hey see that big yellow sign that says KEEP LEFT UNLESS OVERTAKING. It means don't drive in the right lane unless you're passing someone. It doesn't mean DO 10 KPH LESS THAN THE SPEED LIMIT DURING PEAK HOUR AND HOLD UP THE TRAFFIC.

Oops. That was in response to the moving van email post. Where did it go?

My pet hate!

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If I scratch this car ONE MORE TIME!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!

All because of these bloody quarter window seals that don't fit correctly. Theyre crap!

Aaaaah. The agony and ecstasy of new black paint. Lots of painter's masking tape is useful around where you are working. Keep at it. It'll be worth the effort.

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Good thing you made it multiple choice for them. When you get a response please do share it with us. I'm just dying to see what they say.

My vent is - hey see that big yellow sign that says KEEP LEFT UNLESS OVERTAKING. It means don't drive in the right lane unless you're passing someone. It doesn't mean DO 10 KPH LESS THAN THE SPEED LIMIT DURING PEAK HOUR AND HOLD UP THE TRAFFIC.

Oops. That was in response to the moving van email post. Where did it go?

Unfortunately we will just have to imagine their response. In my haste I forgot to note the password for the new gmail acc. that I created for the message. I'll keep an eye out for the van and give a wave. I wonder if he'll remember me. :)
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Aaaaah. The agony and ecstasy of new black paint. Lots of painter's masking tape is useful around where you are working. Keep at it. It'll be worth the effort.

It already is satisfying mate, just extremely annoying that we have to strip the fender, fix a small ding and repaint it. Will touch it up and do that later.

It was more annoying, as I was going to cover the fender with tape etc, but thought ' Nah, I'll be right'. Oops!

Oh well, move on

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