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Agree ^^ it's just dangerous! Easy math says so: 110 - 80 = 30kph collision... It is still 80 for L's & 90 for P1 right?


L is 90, and I thin P1 is 90.   Stupid.


Especially dangerous for the L driver when being overtaken by three B-Doubles in a row.   And they were not 100kph limited  :ph34r:

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everytime i used to drive down the F3 to work i'd pull over and take my P plates off, and when i got off the freeway i'd pull over and put them back on - it was way too dangerous to be doing 90 in a 110 zone

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For all those (and by that I probably mean "everybody") who find it infuriating having slow drivers sitting in the outside lane on a 2/3/4 lane freeway, I actually saw a Highway Patrol pull someone over for it!!!! Karma bitches....


The car was sitting out in the right hand lane not even doing the speed limit (and overtaking nobody) and the police car caught up to him/her and was sitting behind him for some time (with the sign on the roof flashing keep left unless overtaking...LOL)...until the cop decided to make everything go red and blue in their mirror.


It was good to see  :D

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We had case of L plater rage tonight. Hero in a Camry blasted past my son (who only got his L plates last week) for not getting up to speed quickly enough. Really setting a great example by speeding and crossing solid centre line to do it.

Why is there such contempt for learners?


When I was teaching my daughter to drive, we had a woman sitting right up her ar5e, weaving left to right, trying to hurry her up (even though she was doing a little over the speed limit anyway...).

Fortunately the car we were in had a sunroof and a console full of change....yeah, I was firing coins out the sunroof, bouncing them off the womans bonnet and windscreen...still didn't get the message though...until we stopped at an intersection and I jumped out and asked her if she had ever used her brain while driving.  :D

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When I was teaching my daughter to drive, we had a woman sitting right up her ar5e, weaving left to right, trying to hurry her up (even though she was doing a little over the speed limit anyway...).

Fortunately the car we were in had a sunroof and a console full of change....yeah, I was firing coins out the sunroof, bouncing them off the womans bonnet and windscreen...still didn't get the message though...until we stopped at an intersection and I jumped out and asked her if she had ever used her brain while driving.  :D


Sir, I want to meet you & shake your hand

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People who don't let you overtake or go under the speed limit on a mountain road. 


What signs do you need for me to give so you know when i want to over take?


They are already at the limit of their driving ability while going slow... so they cannot comprehend how anyone else can go any faster.


And .. they need a brain to be able to look in the rear view mirror and understand that they are holding people up.


And .. they need a brain to use the slow vehicle pull out lane too.


So what they are missing is a .....

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They are already at the limit of their driving ability while going slow... so they cannot comprehend how anyone else can go any faster.

And .. they need a brain to be able to look in the rear view mirror and understand that they are holding people up.

And .. they need a brain to use the slow vehicle pull out lane too.

So what they are missing is .....

...Some spare change?

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People in Australia take it as a personal insult if you flash the lights asking to overtake. Men consider it equivalent to declaring their manhood is tiny, and women take it as a declaration that they are a bad mother.

In other countries it's taken as a notification that the person behind is travelling faster than you are, and no slight on the ego is implied nor taken.

Arrogance, impatience and anger are defining attributes of Australian driving. Getting let into traffic is a rare event, especially if driving a car not sufficiently 'cheap'. I. wish we could sentence offenders to driving a diesel hatchback to the English seaside on a sunny long weekend, or to a month worth of commuting across LA, or to a year worth of airport pickup and drop off in New York.

Hogging the right lane, tailgating and worst of all, car park rage, really don't end to be something we experience on a daily basis. And yet we all do.

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I don't get the aggressive nature of lots of Australian drivers.. its just so uncalled for and gets nothing done in the end.


Actually if people learned to be courteous and just allow people to merge into freeways and A holes didn't push their luck by going ALL THE WAY TO THE END of the merge lane cutting in at the last moment (who doesn't hate these fools?) I'm sure lot's of traffic congestion could be relieved. 


I could go on for days.. but I won't. 




I don't get road rage, I can't be bothered for it.. I just accept that Australians as a whole are terrible drivers and just maintain my distance... defensive driving is the best method for staying out of trouble. 

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