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Whats for sale (in Australia ) and interesting Thread

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  Like hot rodding a good 912 with a Polo engine ;) 

 Love the silver thing, though it is rather expensive for a dirty convert

na, my non matching underpowered gentlemans dream deserved a boost. This was a 72 911. Maybe it was in shocking condition and a non matching car, but if not, strange the a dealer in today's market would convert a car and go to this expense, to then try and sell it for close to original price. 

I noticed that they no longer have their gorgeous Irish green 911 and 912's though. Anyone know if they sold?

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  Just giving you s..t ;)  I'm the first one to agree that a 912 deserves a shedload more hp or an engine transplant.  May have kept mine if I'd stuck a 6 in it

 I'd  say the dealer converted it to be more attractive to the Oz market, yet $185k is original money

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