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Air Con


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Hi all, having recently had my air con compressor replaced I now have the luxury of a nice cool car on those stinking hot days if i'm out on a drive.

Problem is my fan switch is defective and I can only get it to work when I take off the control knob and push the control stub in a sideways fashion, when I take pressure off it stops and when I apply pressure it starts again etc etc.


Does anyone have a control unit that they have taken out, from their track car or for whatever reason, that they don't want to suit from 1985.5 on 944.


Looking on ebay it may be an expensive proposition for me, might have to keep the cardboard jammed in there.

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Hi there Tingy944,

I may be able to help you there. I have a 944 s2 that I am parting out and am sure I have a control unit there somewhere. Am currently away in Dubbo this week but will be home this weekend and will have a look for you and let you know. Hope this helps.



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My AC switch went. I bought another and fitted it. The old switch had to be de-soldered using a solder sucker (or you could use a wick) and a soldering iron, and then soldered new one in. Wasn't that hard to do. Fan switch would be same scenario so may be another option and should be good for another 25 years

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yeah was worth a try ;)



Yeah mate all good.





Hope you get it sorted bud... me like the cool breeze



Me too Joel, i have a piece of cardboard holding the switch sideways at the moment, it's not a big deal just a pain in the arse.

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