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Help - High resolution Porsche images for garage


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Help! Almost finished my garage renovation and I have found a place that does super size canvas banners (think 3m * 2m) for wall art and I fancy a big classic Porsche image.

I have two specific images in mind but they are only 500 x 900 which I wouldn't think would blow up that big?

Does anyone know where I would find a high resolution version? I don't mind I'd I have to pay for copyright to use the image from the original copyright holder.

The images are:



I would appreciate any thought from the tech savy amongst us.


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If you wanted to go that big you would need quite a higher resolution copy or considering the age of the shots you probably have to try and track down the original negatives. Best I could find online was 1200px for the first one, still not enough for the size you want. Your best bet I think will be to try and find the photographers name and go from there. Sounds difficult but you do have the entire interwebs at your fingers!



FYI Martini actually have a whole bunch of High Res shots on their website, just not the exact ones you are looking for.... http://press.martini.com/AssetSummary.aspx?NodeID=4122

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there also used to be an awesome tool that printed giant dots, and when you joined them together formed an image the size of a wall, and you attached all the paper together


like in a 1970s art style, i had a huge 917 on my wall before i moved

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Flat six. Thanks for that, almost perfect. High res and all. Just not the right images for me ( although I love the black and white). Pretty useful reference for some one doing some mega posters though.

Do you have the link for the higher res photo you found?

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Here is the 1200px one... http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-disrnGEqZRc/U717XRUeG7I/AAAAAAAAI54/Q9Otf-LP3p4/s1600/Porsche-Carrara-RSR-Martini-Motorsports-1973.jpg


Not sure what browser you are using but Chrome has a great inbuilt feature you can right click on any image and search google by image :) Very helpful for tracking down higher res options.

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