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Friends, the date of the Annual PFA Canberra run has been announced.


It is to be held 19th - 22nd March, 2015.


Traditionally, we take a touring route down over 2 days, with another 2 days in Canberra.


I am seeking expressions of interest so that i can arrange accommodation.


Please let me know if you are interested in attending the 2015 run and whether you will have any passengers.  Please also let me know if you will be participating in the 2 day "approach" drive.


Members from other states are most welcome to join us as they have done in the past.


I prefer to keep specific details of route and accommodation off the public forum, so I will communicate via Personal Message in due course.


For the moment, please leave your name below if you intend to participate.





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Those people whom are participating in this years Canberra Run, you need to book your accommodation at the Mercure Hotel, Braddon immediately!  We have rooms set aside at a discounted rate but they will be released very shortly if not taken.


Please make your booking immediately!  Send me a Personal Message for the contact details and discount code.


We are also finalising the room rate for our first night stop in the 2 day approach drive and will have details of that very shortly.


On my tentative list:



CORKI944 + 1



TONY1 + 1


Come on Dreamer...are you in or are you out? Danesh? Uncle? Tingy?

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I would like to apologise profusely as I am not going to be able to attend the 4 day event........

Just landed me a new job of which I start this monday and obviously won't get the time off straight up....

Will try and get down hopefully for 1 day be it sat/sun but not 100% sure which.

Will call You David when I know more.....

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I would like to apologise profusely as I am not going to be able to attend the 4 day event........

Just landed me a new job of which I start this monday and obviously won't get the time off straight up....



No problems...I understand.  Congratulations on the new role!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to try my best to at least got down for a couple of beers with you gents on at least one of the nights. Work has me flat out and I've not even driven the car since mid december!

Seeing how impending cubic $$$ house purchace may force me to sell the old girl I'd better get it out for at least one drive before I put it on the market. 

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After a week of thinking I'm working for Kruger Industrial Smoothing I'm looking forward to a break!


Room booked and catch you in the mountains on the 19th!


Thanks David for all your efforts to organise, appreciated.

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After a week of thinking I'm working for Kruger Industrial Smoothing I'm looking forward to a break!


Room booked and catch you in the mountains on the 19th!


Thanks David for all your efforts to organise, appreciated.


Which car gets to stretch it's legs?

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Excellent Peter. Looking forward to seeing you. Are you doing the approach run with David, Billy & I?

Looking forward to catching up with you too! I'll join up with this motley crew at the first coffee break after coming down the Putty.  Yes, early start!



Which car gets to stretch it's legs?

Don't know. Since Ronny's not along it's safe to bring the gold one but am dropping in to see my 81 year old mother on the way back for her birthday and she is keen to drive the blue one. I'm sure the old girl has had plenty of disappointments before so what's another one.  Then again a driving photo of her with the tacho at the redline would be pretty cool!  :)

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Looking forward to catching up with you too! I'll join up with this motley crew at the first coffee break after coming down the Putty.  Yes, early start!



Don't know. Since Ronny's not along it's safe to bring the gold one but am dropping in to see my 81 year old mother on the way back for her birthday and she is keen to drive the blue one. I'm sure the old girl has had plenty of disappointments before so what's another one.  Then again a driving photo of her with the tacho at the redline would be pretty cool!    :)


I only needed a few parts, Peter .... I would have left enough on your car to at least get you back home .... :ph34r:

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