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Telstra to shut down GSM (2G) mobile phone network


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I received a letter from Telstra saying that the GSM mobile phone network is shutting down in December 2016 and that they have identified me as having a GSM 2G device that will be affected. Turns out that device is my inbuilt Porsche car phone(s) so any opration that uses the inbuilt car antenna will cease to operate. This seems to include operating on the SIM card that plugs into the dash as well as the bluetooth SAP protocol, basically any mode that uses the internal phone and the built in car antenna. Seems this will at least affect all 997 and 987 with inbuilt phone modules and possibly 991 unless it is 3G capable (can any one confirm if 991 has a 3G or 4G inbuilt phone?). Hopefully bluetooth handsfree will keep working as it should as long as it only uses the car microphone and speakers and not the car antenna and inbuilt phone module.

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Hi Greg, bet you can not wait. I assume you will post a pic or two.

Would be poor form for it not to be 3G or 4G if not then their will be a lot of obsolete car phones driving around.  

Are you doing THC


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Not sure, I'm planning a trip away so have to see what happens, are you going?

It booked out straight away so missed out. Looks like number 10 will have to wait. Might take the EVO X in the competition proper. 

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I have to say I'm getting pretty pissed off with Telstra.  I had a Motorola Flip phone for years.  One day I woke up and it didn't work.  Called up Telstra only to be told they'd decommissioned the analogue network. Then got a little GSM phone which didn't work in the country.  Merde!  Replaced it with a Nokia CDMA phone - fantastic - best phone ever!  Then one day I woke up and that didn't work either.  Called up Telstra only to be told they'd decommissioned the CDMA network.  WTF?  Then had a succession of 'smart' phones.  Right.  I don't know about you, but a phone that barely lasts a day on a charge and stops working the first time you drop it in the loo ain't too smart.  I was thinking about resurrecting my old GSM phone, but now you tell me even that's going to god!  Where will it end?  Actually, I still have on old wooden phone with a handle on the side in the shed.  Problem is the sodding operator won't pick up the other end and put me through - bloody Telstra!.  Time for my cocoa...

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Hi Greg

Thanks for asking. By modern did they mean 991 or 997/987 as well? Your 991 might be ok. Just look for a 3G or 4G symbol near the signal strength. Even my VW is 3G.

But as for the 997 I doubt they are correct. I asked PCM a while back and they are still "looking into it"

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Hi Greg

Thanks for asking. By modern did they mean 991 or 997/987 as well? Your 991 might be ok. Just look for a 3G or 4G symbol near the signal strength. Even my VW is 3G.

But as for the 997 I doubt they are correct. I asked PCM a while back and they are still "looking into it"

Al, I'm pretty sure PCSS were only talking 991 generation. 

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Slightly off topic but I bought a 4G hotspot for when I was sick of tearing my hair out over the useless ADSL I have to put up with.

I'm blown away by the speed difference (25 mb vs 3mb down, 20mb vs .5mb up) but you sure do chomp through the pricey data.

I would have thought any device built after circa 2001 would be 3G.

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  • 1 year later...

Did anyone confirm if the newer model SIM slot in the cars are 2G only?

Just went to test ours today which used to work but now saying not able to find network.

Both 2015 Macan and 2016 Gt4.....tested the SIM card in a 3G phone and no issues.  Only thing I can think is that the car modules were 2G only???

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I'd expect newer cars will be 3G at least, 2G has been closed down in Europe for quite a while and the frequencies sold off (we're a bit late to the party)

I'd contact Porsche or read the manual to find out what frequency band the in car phone works in - I would assume it'd be one of the 2100mhz ranges at least

Did you try powering it down completely and not just putting it in standby? when you removed/replaced the SIM (pressing the on/off button on the unit usually puts the PCM systems into 'standby') You normally need to turn off the car, remove the key lock the vehicle and wait 5 minutes for the system to totally power down. I'd also make sure you have the most recent PCM update installed from the dealer - or there are instructions online to do it but i'm pretty sure you need a PIWIS

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I want to know why porsche are not getting of their A and offering an upgrade phone module for all models affected. There would be a large enough market to justify doing it. Very poor on their part to not continue to offer support for technology updates for existing cars. 

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i'd like to see some stats on who actually uses the inbuilt phone - i don't (and can't think of anyone else I know that does)

I did. When driving in the country it offered much greater range due to having an external antenna and saved on battery usage when driving. Once outside the burbs a mobile will not operate as long as the power it uses goes up with distance from the base station. 

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