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The world has gone mad when.........


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Im hearing this comment a lot now, so I thought I would start a thread.   We've all heard about the time when the taxi driver gives investment advice......it's time to move on.   


Well, I was watching a lovely blue 964 parked in Byron Bay today when three of our "most homeless" people wandered past.   These three have full body tattoos, ride old rusty push bikes, have more holes in their body than I could care to count, have lived in the local park for at least 5 years (the five years I have known them) and are usually found with a brown bag with grog inside by 8am.


However, the conversation they were having as they passed the 964 astounded me.


Man 1 " Hey look, it's a 964"

Man 2 - looking back over to the rear of the car " geez.....its a Carrera 2"

Man 1 - "F&^(k yeah, do you know the price of that car has doubled in the last 12 months"

Man 2 - "Yeah.  Just hope its a manual"


I kid you not.     

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