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Yes. Was meant to be taking our Spitfire for the Triumph Club stand on Sunday, but we're out on Saturday night so I've dropped out this year. Will be there on Sunday afternoon though. I believe BMW are displaying the CSL homage car, should be worth a look.

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Inside it was good. Definitely a few cars which were very special. A number more patina cars were there this year compared to last. BMW, Porsche and Citroen were there as well with the strong presence of Lorbek and Dutton. Not as many stands inside, but there was a really nice display of old espresso machines upstairs which were actually related to cars. Meanwhile the club sandwich guys outside had to deal with the dust storms and the ever increasing amount of graphite collecting on our cars.

It's a nice show they put together but for $35 entry pp I would skip it and take my time visiting some of the other car meets, events and dealerships as you would probably be able to see about 95% of the cars on show without the crowds.

I heard that there is a rival to Motorclassica being run in March 2016 which should be a lot more reasonable.

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I ended up taking the family for a 'night out' and went in on Saturday afternoon for a look. Although I missed out on the club sandwich I figured most of the cars I really wanted to see were inside - was also good as there was really no crowds as this makes it easier with kids. 

Nice variety of cars, few nice Porsches (959 was my stand out, although the K-tec ST rep was quite nice) but I always get excited to see a Stratos! 

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Do none of you boys have a camera phone? Photos please

Before those who actually went start making excuses for no photo's, I'll do it for them.  Unless you get there at opening time it's near impossible to get a decent photo.  The crowds are just too thick. (this word has more than one meaning ;))  I've been in past years and my camera was quickly put away through frustration.

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Do none of you boys have a camera phone? Photos please

I only really took a few (mostly with my boys standing beside cars striking a pose)

Some nice pics here:http://www.motoring.com.au/gallery/2015/prestige-and-luxury/motorclassica-2015-photo-gallery-100027

They also have a stalkbook page: https://www.facebook.com/Motorclassica

I'm sure others on here hopefully took a few. 


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