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its been a while since weve been on a run, last one saw three intrepid souls

sooooo  lets get them out there for a spirited coffee run

caver where are you 

tom bring the tea tray

im happy to repeat the last run to central coast ASAP

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its been a while since weve been on a run, last one saw three intrepid souls

sooooo  lets get them out there for a spirited coffee run

caver where are you 

tom bring the tea tray

im happy to repeat the last run to central coast ASAP

would love to Hughesy. A bit of family time and a short break to get out of the way so probably looking at early February for me. We found some pretty great rds down to Bathurst but a longer day than most would want. Kangaroo valley way is always a good one too.

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I'm here!  Still alive!

Planning something early in the New Year....if you're up for an impromptu run, give me a yell: 0414 590 305.  Always happy to do a bit of a spin around the lower Blue Mountains or further.  Most weekends are good.

Happy New Year everyone!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Save the Date!!!

12th March, 2016.  All new route!  All new countryside!

It’s outside of school holidays and well away from Easter, avoids a Porsche Club NSW Lunch Drive and my NZ trekking program  J.

Good chance to get the cobwebs off the car before the Canberra run!  More information soon!

Hint:  Go West Young Man!!!

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