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Aussie 74-77 911 Register


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Many of you know that I’ve been a pretty passionate advocate of the early impact bumper cars for a while now, and after months of deliberation and encouragement from others, I’ve decided to jump in feet first and set up the Australian 74-77 911 register. Registry scope will only span 911s for the model years 74-77, including:
911 Carrera 2.7
911 Carrera 3.0
911 turbo
other 911 variants, eg. 74 3.0 RS

There was a very healthy number of these cars delivered across the 74-77 period (655 in fact), and the aim of the registry is to be a repository of information about each car, in order to record the history of these particular vehicles, and to assist owners and prospective buyers in the future.

So to start the ball rolling, I encourage any Australian delivered 74-77 owner to send me their:
Chassis number
Engine number (please advise if it is the matching number)
Paint colour
Interior trim
Build date
Delivery date & dealer/location
Ownership history
Any other info you deem of interest (eg. engine rebuild by XYZ in 2008, previously Gp S race car).

Information on the registry will not be openly published, and details for cars will only be provided to individuals by request.  If you have a specific privacy request, please specify this on your email.  

Thanks for your support.  Responses to

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