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Be definitive - social philanthropy & porsche ownership


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Thanks Chris, yes it basically got very hard as to what we had offered.   This was going to be held on a fund raising open day for "Very Special Kids".

The basic plan was to take a drive with the kids in the various P cars around an area and back to the main office and gardens.  

It was only going to be about a three K journey.

All sorts of little hurdles started to pop up.   Because in some cars the seating would only allow two people that being the driver and the young child.

The configuration of the seating of the majority of P cars was also going to cause a problem for some of the kids and parent/gaurdian.

Then the insurance thing raised it's ugly head.   Then if we were charging people to go for a passenger ride the subject of car for hire came up.

Then a "Working with Children" permit was going to be required.   If the parents could go in the car however that wasn't going to be needed.

Also we offered to take the kids for a drive obviously without a charge of course but then it was suggested that we charge other visitors to the event

with the proceeds going back to the charity.   

That sounded ok on the surface, but really we just offered to be there, to take the ill kids for a drive in a P car to put a smile on their faces..

We also offered to do a static display of some cars as a draw card for the organisers to attract people to the event.

But the down side was we could only get about 6 or 7 cars in from memory and it was going to be away from the main events of the day.

The organisers of the event were very very good and did want us, but in the end it became a logistical nightmare in a lot of ways, and I ended up having to reneg on our offer.

Different states would have different requirements and obligations, and our attempt was probably three or four years ago, and things may now be different..


a catalogue of what is wrong with this country in one explanation.

i hope someone explained to the kids that they didn't get a Porsche ride because of paperwork and lawyers and lack of high vis.  Part of the fun would be getting in the car without your parent Ffs.   But a lot of Porsches are 4 seater anyway so Mum can go in the back.  I reckon you wouldn't even need 3 is.   Just one decent  run through first and second and kids would be stoked.

i do have a blue card for what it is worth.  Wasn't hard to get, one form I think.  

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Gents and not pointedly pointing at anyone as I enjoy (thread) drifting as much as the next,...

for this thread  remain pure, virtuous, focused listen intently for the chimes and of one hand clapping...

im going to the tip next weekend to by some  old skyway tuff 2's 

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