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silver 924 turbo with PT924 vic plate


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Hi guys i am trying to track down the owner of silver 924 turbo with the vic plate Pt 924 just thought someone on here might know the owner here in vic, i have posted before the car is for sale in a highly reputable garage in Sydney.Some of the guys on here have told me it was on car sales in 2016 and if possible i would like to speak with any previous owners.





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If same car as discussed and same car at CTS now 

speak to Scott McPherson (SM911) he lurks on PFA. , he is a dealer operating out of Qld who sold the car to the guy in Sydney .

I spoke to the owner, an older gent , over a Cpl months, as I was in process of trying to buy it. .He had owned it approx 10 years. Never drove it . 

Despite it sitting and typical overdue maintenance it was / is a good car.

have a look at the owners book if CTS have it. Will have first , possibly second owner . Otherwise given it sat in a shed a long time it might be a cold case.

What sort of info you trying to understand?

if your heart is set - just get a PPI 



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Hi Michel

Thanks for the reply just trying to get as much info as possible and because the service book is last dated 1991 i think,and then the next invoice is 2001 just want to check km's are correct i think from memory it did about 10,000 km's from 91 to present day.A search on Google shows it for sale  earlier this year on car sales but doesn't show sellers details.Thanks for the info on Scott i will try and get in touch with him.




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