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Looking at a 1988 930 in WA


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Hi All - I'm a bit of a noob here but have been looking at the 930's for a few years now .. I've just sold my Audi TT and I'm looking at a 930 in WA ..

I looked at 930's almost 2 years ago but bought the Audi instead, it's been an awesome car with a few extras to increase performance but I've still come back to the Porka's ..

In fact I've not even driven one but there really aren't too many on the market here and I wouldn't feel right just showing up for a joyride in someones pride & joy with no intent on purchase ..

Are there any members on here from Brissy with a similar car willing to go for a drive ?? :o)

Are there any WA member on here that would be willing to look at the car ??

I guess I face a few problems here, yes the car is interstste but I'll be getting a very thorough PPI done ... Unfortunately work commitments make it very hard to fly over to check it out ..

Getting the car back - Fully enclosed carrier is not a bad price ..

The car looks to be in excellent condition with 116K on the clock, same owner for the last 8 yrs - no mods - My greatest fear is that I get the car back and it needs a rebuild ! But hopefully a good PPI should sort that ..

Other than the above mentioned points is there anything else I should be asking of the owner ??

Cheers guys ..


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Hi Ben, 930's are great cars but not for the faint hearted! Almost a direct opposite to a tt( which is also a great car). They were built to go fast and they do that with no compromise. No power steering, air-conditioning which doesn't work. Heavy clutch, loud, harsh ride. But don't get me wrong, I love them. I had a midnight blue one for6years and it was a thrill every time I turned the key to start it. I got to drive one when I was about 21 as my brotherinlaw had one. I knew from the first time I drove it that one day I had to have one. It took me nearly 20years but I got there in the end and achieved my dream. I would definitely advise you to drive one before buying one though as they aren't for everyone.

Perhaps Q or someone from PCQ might be able to put you in contact with someone who has one.

Yes beware as they can be a money pit if they have not been maintained and looked after.

Good luck with the hunt, they really are an awesome car!!



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Hey Chris, thanks for your feedback, yes I know it'll be totally different to anything I've had, that includes a worked V8 Monaro (2004) as well.. I know you can't compare the cars in anyway but

I found the Monaro and the Audi TT a little on the boring side - they just did everything so well that there was little or no imput required from me !

My wife has a Peugeot 307 (eeek) and it has automatic EVERYTHING !! Drives me nuts .. Lights, wipers etc ... You really just have to steer it .... BORING ... but it carts our kids around and is a very safe car

so for that I'm more than happy .. The 930 would be our 3rd car so in no way a daily driver .. I've loved the look of that wide butt for many years now and the bug won't let up ..

I thought I'd be happy with the Audi (which was an awesome car don't get me wrong) but here I am not even two years down the track and it's out the door .. Maybe I have a sickness ??!!! Lol ..

I have to admit I've become more than a little addicted to boost too ... so the turbo really is the one I'm after ..

But yes a test drive would certainly help, but from all my hours and hours and hours of reading forums etc I've yet to read the thread that says "drove a 930 and hated it" ... lol ..



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Good on you Ben. Just wanted to make sure you knew what you were getting yourself into thats all. But if its not a daily driver then i am sure you will have a ball. The hairs on the back of my neck still stand up just thinking about the thrill I used to get starting mine up and that feeling when the boost came in and everything went nuclear. :blink::blink:

They truly are an awesome car and they dont get called the Bad Boys for nothing....

Here is a couple of pictures of mine and I will keep my eye for any down this way.





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That's a nice looking 930 Chris ! Were you sad to see her go ??

I've been in contact with the P club up here and one of the members contacted me today, I'm catching up with him tomorrow and going for a drive ... :o)

I've been chatting with Kerry on here and he's been a great help too ..

I hope it all pans out !

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