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Clutch sensation has changed - Sticky clutch pedal


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Hi all,


My clutch sensation has just started to change.


Take up of my clutch has always happened in the top third of the pedal travel.


Recently, though, I have started to feel a sticking sensation at the moment of clutch release, or in the lower third of the clutch travel. The best way I can describe it is it feels a little like chewing gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe when you lift your foot of the footpath.


Initially this happened when the car was warm, but is now happening on startup. The earliest sensation was during the trip to Tasmania when I blipped the throttle during heel/toe.


The car does not need to be in gear for this to happen, but the motor does need to be running.


Any thoughts? Please tell me it's just a case of changing the gearbox oil :)


Edit: Oh, it's a 915 box.

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Thanks for that. Just going through my "1010 Projects" book trying to figure out what the release arm cross shaft looks like and where it is.


What's the solution if it is disc sticking to splines?



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The release arm cross shaft is really an "up down shaft". Item 2 below.


It's worth checking everything in the mechanism: the pedal operation, cable and even the omega (horse shoe) spring (if fitted to your car).

Blinding flash of the obvious: If nothing seems untoward outside the bellhousing, you'll need to direct attention towards the inside of the bellhousing.

Disclaimer 1: I claim no mechanical expertise, but I speak to people who really do know stuff.

Disclaimer B: Any sarcasm herein is directed at the author and not the OP, let alone the gentle reader.

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