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Green Slip Pricing - Don't just renew last years

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I always check my Green Slip pricing via http://www.maa.nsw.gov.au/default.aspx?MenuID=102 to ensure I am getting the best deal. Normally there is $50 to 80 difference and I change each year. This year a whopping $195 difference. I wonder how many people out there just renew with their existing provider?


I hope no one reads this and thinks I should have check and we are all in the same boat and change Pink Slip insurers each year.

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Thanks for the advice. Having been out of the Australian rego loop for so long its good to know.

Just as a reference however, my full year rego on the Targa was costing me $4,500 per annum as its based on engine capacity.....so NSW rego and CTP looks to be a bargain by comparison!

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I second that even checking the price on the GIO one that was sent out to me via the website saved me nearly $200, so much for honesty and a cheaper greenslip once it was privatised

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Anyone watch that show "Checkout"? Think it's on Thursday nights on channel 2. They did an episode recently talking about how insurance companies generally up your premiums on the expectation you will most likely keep it with them. They called it the lazy tax.


I actually used Shannons this year for my greenslip, best price too!

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I shop each year.

Gio consistently get the details wrong resulting in the wrong price anyway.

NRMA were cheapest this year.

Just a note I shared on comprehensive insurance.

I shopped around and called my provider back to let them know I found a cheaper price. They gave me a 'EOFY discount' saving $127

I can't earn that much in 30 minutes. To date anyhow.

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