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1967 Glass guide , Porsche prices and did you know?


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Whilst waiting for some work to be finalised on my '67 Benz yesterday I wandered into my favourite 2nd hand bookshop nearby. Where I happened upon the 1967 Glass guide.


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Used cars


A new Bentley was around $22,000 , so nothing's changed there!

I wondered who Mr Glass was , well it turns out an interesting and clever fellow.

From wikipedia , and to enhance your next dinner party...

William Glass was born in Scotland in 1881 and was an engineer by trade. As well as publishing the first Guide to Used Vehicle Values, Glass had an innovative and enquiring mind and made a number of inventions including the portable hydraulic jack, the electric switch-off kettle, the self-filling fountain pen and the through-the-propeller machine gun firing mechanism.

The founder of Glass’s Guide also manufactured cars under the Firefly marque for a short period of time in Croydon. Glass’s other innovations included the first motor auction and the first uniformed attendants at petrol filling stations.

I didn't know that either B)

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