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[tangcla] MELB - looking for 991.2 991 S/GTS/Turbo owners - FREE PHOTOSHOOT!


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Hi all,

I'm looking for owners of 991.2 991 Carrera, Carrera S, GTS or Turbo, and also 718 Cayman and Cayman S owners, offering them a free photoshoot as this will be paid for by a client who wishes to use the photos for some advertising/promotion. You will receive copies of the photos for you to keep.

Here are some examples of some of the shoots I've done of various Porsches in the past.

Please contact me for more information.








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Sorry but I don't qualify but have to say - Wow - they are beautiful photo's.  That photo of the white GT3RS - is perfect.

I never got into photography and usually get confused/frustrated even with a point and shoot. 

But damn -  to my untrained eyes they are good photo's. 

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Sorry but I don't qualify but have to say - Wow - they are beautiful photo's.  That photo of the white GT3RS - is perfect.

I never got into photography and usually get confused/frustrated even with a point and shoot. 

But damn -  to my untrained eyes they are good photo's. 

Thank you! 

If you are keen on a photoshoot on your car , I'd be happy to offer PFA members a discounted shoot rate. 

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