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ABS Malfunction | 6.2 GT3

Pork Chops

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Not suggesting it was doubled jumped just a side comment to never jump with more than 12V

Disconnecting the jump battery with the engine running is BAD and will cause an alternator "load dump" which results in a voltage spike . You can try to minimize the load dump by having the engine at idle or waiting 10minutes so the jump battery cN recover some charge minimizing the current flowing to it

So just to end the story the ABS unit needed replacing as it had likely been fried, and likely for the reasons Redracn mentioned. It turns out when the car was jump started they weren't aware the battery was totally kaput. Call it a communication error between one person and another. Good news for me is that once Cairns figured it out they told me straight up, and replaced the module at no cost to me, even paid to have it freighted over fast as possible to get the car back to me before Xmas. 

As they say, shit happens, it's what you do about it that counts.

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