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Diesel bans


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Interesting conundrum


When Mercedes introduced its new generation of E-Class last year, the new diesel engine is a great news. Manufacturer's investment of 25 billion in the four-cylinder diesels was the beginning of a completely new engine palette. This is to ensure that Mercedes cars ahead would meet the stringent emission requirements to be introduced in Europe.

But the investment in technology can be very costly. Several major cities have already introduced, or evaluating, a ban on diesel cars. An example of this is that in Stuttgart, Mercedes hometown, is a new strict prohibition about to be introduced. There may already be in the new year to three years old diesels are prohibited in the city center some days. Also, in BMW's stronghold Munich is a diesel ban at once.

Obviously meet the new diesels requirements, but how does it look like in the future? Buying a car is a big investment, and when you mix the "risk" to the car soon get driving restrictions as learn more consumers rata diesel cars.While companies increasingly begin to turn to see the total cost of ownership (TCO) instead of the purchase price of the car will be affected. For which companies want to risk sitting with large fleets that can not be set aside in the private market? In light of this, the industry has put its investments in the wrong basket.

 Partly why we are going from diesel back to petrol for my wife's new car.

And because it doesn't stink as much.

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Australia never really does these types of bans...yet.  

Besides, with dual cab Utes the biggest market segment currently I doubt it would get through.


but I congratulate the Europeans for driving out the smelly monsters of heir cities....pity they won't do it for their buses and taxis as well.  

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but I congratulate the Europeans for driving out the smelly monsters of heir cities....pity they won't do it for their buses and taxis as well.  

True. I dislike just about every big city (you can taste the air , yuck)  , but then again I'm used to clean air; I guess like with dirty drinking water you get used to what you live amongst.


Because they have old intensively-used diesel engines, London taxis are a significant contributor to deaths now risen to 9500 a year with many more lung injuries from air pollution. Pollution is increasing with cruising Uber cars, delivery trucks for internet shopping and the like. A distant date is set for new taxis to be zero emission but that will only very slowly reduce pollution from the total fleet.
Read more at: http://www.idtechex.com/research/articles/london-taxi-pollution-00010789.asp

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