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The location for the annual German Car Show in Canberra has been changed, due to restrictions about parking on the grass around Lake Burley Griffin and feedback from participants that the alternative of the Treasury Carpark is a poor alternative.  The location has been changed to grounds of Pialligo Estate, 18 Kallaroo Road Pialligo. The Estate is located about 700m past Rodney’s Garden Centre (which is on Beltana Road).

There will be plenty of space available ad it would be good to see local and interstate Porsches there.

Details of the event are as follows:
Event - Shannons German Auto Display 2017
Date - Sunday 17st September 2017
Entrants Time - 8.00am till 3.00pm (10am for spectators)
Location - 18 Kallaroo Rd, Pialligo ACT 2609

Entrant's Note - all entrant's cars are to have a 300 x 300 drip tray underneath the vehicle to comply with government conditions of approval.
Drip tray can be metal or piece of 3 ply, but not to blow around the site if it's windy.
There will be a nominal entry fee, however this entry fee is normally donated to a nominated charity. There will be food and coffee available.


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