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Annoying Songs


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You all make a fine point.

When I was a young chap, I started renting a room off a young lady.

I had just sold my house and needed a place to stay for 12 months.

Anyhow, I had been living at this house for about a month.

Now, the girl that owned the house had just split with her boy friend and was very upset.

She had a bit to much to drink one night and went off to her room.

It was late so I went off to bed.

Just as I hit the sack, she must have got all sentimental and put on her stereo.

It was this song


Now, it was a shocking experience to hear it one time.

However, she had hit the repeat mode and it came on again.

Then a third time and so on.

She had fallen asleep and left this nightmare going.

What could I do ?

I had only just met the girl so I did not want to enter her room and turn it off.

So, after about 12 times of hearing the song, I start knocking on the door.

Nothing, she was out like a light.

What followed was 6 hours of hell, it just kept going.

I would get that 2 second break at the end of the song and it would start again.

At one point I went outside looking for the fuse box.

Finaly, at around 4am she woke and the nightmare was over.

I never fully recovered from the night.  :unsure:


Hah I did that to myself one night (the fallign asleep bit) with a Pink Floyd album on repeat.  Now I don't mind Pink Floyd, but whenever I hear that particular album I get major flashbacks to that particular night.

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