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Poor Man's 997GT3RS....


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*** D.I.Y. 997GT3RS ***

* Zero litres per km (OK, maybe some RedBulls...)

* Zero emissions (Other than when you start to go down a very steep hill! :unsure: )

* Zero Audio Pollution (other than Brrmmmm... bbbrRRRMMMMMMMM...... :blink: ERRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!)

* Practically Zero Acceleration (0-60kph ..... I just don't think you'll ever get to 60... :lol: !! )

* Zero to Hero ( and in only 46,285hrs!!! :D )

As far as weight-saving, I think they've got it covered!

LMAO! :lol:


And then if you want to take things to the other extreme... )

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46,285 hours to build!!!

Using a calculator...

I figure...

Stacking shelves at Coles for 46,285 hours... :blink:

At minimum award wage of... lets say $15/hour... :(

Minus about 18% tax... :angry:

Equals $569,305.50 :o

Er... How much was it for a GT3RS??? :unsure:

Stacking shelves with a few mates at Coles never sounded better... :)

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